You don’t want to throw social media, but feel like you are getting a large number in your mental health? You may not need to choose.
New research from the University of British Columbia suggest that improving mental health among young people is not about reducing social media, but on the contrary, changing the way they engage with it.
“For many young people, it’s not about going out. It is about supporting – in the right way, ”said Dr. Amor Mikami, a professor of psychology at UBC and the main author of the study, who marked four strategies for more conscious use of social media.
Searching for a solution
American teens spend an average of 4.8 hours a day glued to social media applications such as YouTube, Tiktok, Instagram, Facebook and X, according to a Gallup survey.
While there is no concrete evidence that directly links social media to increasing mental health issues between adolescents and young adults, studies show that the longer people speak moving, the higher their chances of experiencing symptoms of depression, anxiety and low self -esteem.
In one study, three in four Gen Zers said social media has negatively affected their mental health. However, many also showed the position of being online, such as connecting with loved ones and finding others who share their experiences, interests or identities.
“There are many conversations of how harmful social media can be, but our team wanted to see this was really full photography or if the way people engage with social media can make changes,” Mikami said.
Conscious use vs. Total abstinence
To find out, Mikami and her team recruited 393 Canadians aged 17 to 29, who were experiencing mental health symptoms and were concerned about the effect of social media on their well -being.
Participants were divided into three groups:
- A control group that preserved their usual routines.
- An abstention group that left social media kindly.
- A “tutorial” group that received training on how to use social media deliberately.
After six weeks, the researchers found that both the abstention and the teaching groups reduced their use on social media, engaged in less passive movements, and spent less time comparing themselves to others.
Eachdo also brought its own mental health benefits. The tutorial group reported to feel less lonely and experience less Fomo based on quality interactions than in quantity.
Meanwhile, those who took a full break from social media saw improvements in symptoms of anxiety and depression, but did not suffer a decrease in moisture.
“Cutting the minds of social media reduces some of the pressures that young adults feel about presenting a curated image of the topics online. But banning social media can also deprive young adults from social ties with friends and family, leading to feelings of isolation, ”Mikami said.
Leaning in the right way
So how did the tutorial group improved their social media habits? Following four steps simply to create a healthier internet environment.
First, participants took time to reflect when the use of their social media had a positive impact on their lives against when it caused harm. This exercise was created to raise awareness and mind for their use patterns.
Next, they were encouraged to consider the curated nature of social media posts – a reminder that not everything they see online is a real reflection of reality. This tactic is aimed at curbing the harmful habit of social comparison – often a reason for anxiety and depression.
For the third step, the participants opened accounts or silent environments that promote the envy or the negative self-compares, effectively clearing their resources and sources of eliminating negativity.
Finally, the group focused on active engagement, giving priority to real links to passive use. Instead of moving in mind in the sources, they were encouraged to comment on posts or send direct messages of friends – the interactions that the researchers found found deeper links and stronger feelings of social support.
Mikami said she believes this approach offers a sustainable alternative to leave social media completely and can help break down the “rest and back” cycle that so many of us fall.
“Social media is here to stay, and for many people, giving up is not a realistic opportunity,” Mikami said. “With the right guidance, young adults can cure a more positive, using social media to support their mental health rather than harm it.”
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