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But while the author, British paleontologist Henry Gee, gives a occasionally apocalyptic vision of the future, he also offers some hope of how humanity can take itself from a pickle of making its own. “It remains the fact that as species, people are extremely powerful, eaten and delightful,” says Gee. “But it is reasonable to ask if humanans can avoid excellent disappearance scars and continue indefinitely.”
In “The Fall and Fall of the Human Empire”, Gee examines many reasons why the human race finds itself in many cases of danger.
From overloading over agriculture to major living changes in animal mitigation and our inability to cope with the disease, the Gee book reveals that the most successful species that sometimes exist have been played a strong hand in its power.
The main issue affects our future is the growth of the population – or its absence.
According to the United Nations data, the growth rate of the global population reached 2.24% a year in 1964, but today it stands at only 0.88% and this is an existential problem.
“The growth rate is foreseen to become negative, that is, the population will begin to shrink in 2086, when the world population will be staged at 10.431 billion,” writes Gee, who also wrote the winning award “A (many) short history of life”.
For the context, the population of the United States was 324.84 million in 2017 and will peak at 363.75 million in 2062 before falling to 335.8 million in 2100.
A temporary view of longevity reveals the extent of the crisis we can face.
Today, there are 1.7 billion people over the age of 65 in the world, a figure that will rise to 2.37 billion by 2100.
“The figure for Octoberagenans is even more pronounced, increasing from 141 million to 866 million,” Gee explains. “During the same period, the number of children under five will drop from 681 million to 401 million.”
This decline will happen without any external intervention, say Gee.
“It seems to do so on its own, with the help of neither geopolitical interventions, nor by pandemics, global wars, climate change, artificially shocked robots of murderous, invading malicious strangers, though such things can do.
The paradox is that while there are more people on Earth than ever before, our genetic resemblance as a species leaves us exposed to infectious diseases and new epidemics, such as Covid, which can, in time, the probation for humanans.
“For all our superficial variety, we are very the same beneath it,” Gee writes. “In fact, there are more genetic changes in a chimpanzee body in Africa than in all human species.”
The contents of Gee, which because the Homo Sapiens was expanded by a relatively small group of founders, lacks the genetic variation of the suffix and, in turn, resistance.
Despite this, we have – lucky or with design – we have managed to avoid extinction in some cases in the last 300,000 years.
But as soon as Homo Sapiens led all other human species to disappear to a point between 50,000 and 25,000 years ago, it all, but signs its death.
“The only question was when the last curtain would fall,” he says.
Gee argues how “everything else that has ever walked, jumped or crawled on the face of this planet”, we are destined to lose, simply because we have become such a prevailing species.
If you are wondering how long we may have left, he appreciated him to be in the 10,000 -year region. “We’re much closer to the end of the time than people understand,” he warns. “The human population will sink to a level that is ultimately unstable and extinction will call.”
Among the darkness, however, there is some good news and this is thanks to our ability to remove itself from trouble.
Gee’s idea is that Humanans not just get into space, but try to create a new future there in the country.
“My proposed solution is to colonize space, whether other bodies in the solar system such as the moon or Mars its intention to create a permanent human colony on the red planet by 2050.
“If we make a coordinated effort to expand to the universe, we could” live – potentially – for millions of years. “
The problem, inevitably, is whether we, as a species, can focus on making such a true future.
“If Homo Sapiens will take her long -term future seriously, she should start now,” he adds.
And if we don’t do it? “There can be no one left on the ground for you to shake again.”
#Humanity #killing #solution #March
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