Dogs and humanians are weaker than ever – it is not surprising that overweight people tend to be overweight dogs. Now, scientists from the University of Cambridge in the UK say they have identified why both groups are more likely to be Husky, which can pave the way for treatment options.
The team found some genes associated with the dog’s overweight while studying the British attractors of Labrador. The most strong gene here is Dennd1b – people hold it as well.
Dennd1b is associated with an increased sensitivity to asthma, especially in children. It also directly affects the road of Leptin-Melanocortin, which plays a crucial role in regulating energy balance and body weight.
“The results emphasize the importance of basic patways of the brain in controlling appetite and body weight,” said Alyce McClellan, a first author of the study, published on Thursday in science.
McClellan’s team analyzed the genetics of the 241 retrievers by taking their saliva sample. They measured each dog’s body fat and compared their status of being overweight with their DNA.
Dogs carrying Dennd1b had about 8% more body fat than those without it.
“The study of dogs showed us something really powerful: exquisite dog owners are not morally superior. The same is true for the few people, ”said Dr. Eleanor Raffan, a researcher at the University of Cambridge who led the study.
“If you have a high genetic risk of being overweight, then when there is a lot of food available, you are prone to overeating and gain weight if you do not make a great effort to avoid doing so,” Raffan added.
High -risk dogs of being overweight showed signs of greater appetite, which is also seen in humanists with the same risk raised.
The good news is that Raffan and her colleagues revealed that the owners who strictly managed the diet and the exercises of their dogs prevented those who were at high genetic risk.
Researchers recommend owners to distract dogs from their continuous hunger your part control. Try distributing their food in a wide area, so it takes more time to eat or choose a more satisfying mixture.
Similarly, people with high genetic risk of overweight can avoid weight gain if they follow a solid diet and exercise regimen.
No one finds whether the dogs were prone to being overweight.
Four genes associated with the dog’s overweight were found to exert a slight effect than Dennd1b. They also registered in the human genes.
“These genes are not visible objectives immediately for weight loss medicines because they control other major biological processes in the body that should not interfere,” McClellan said.
Raffan noted that dogs are genetically similar to humanity, and they gain weight through comparable environmental impacts. Other factors also make them a good model for the study of human overweight.
“By studying dogs, we can measure their desire for food separately for the control owners exercised on the diet and training of their dog,” Raffan said. “In human studies, it is more difficult to study how genetically directed appetite requires greater willingness to remain at least, as both are touching a person.”
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