How ugly is your job doing you? The new online test calculates the impact of work on your appearance

Your job may be literally under your skin.

Skin experts have had to have a wonderful online calculator that will find out if someone’s work is making them grow old prematurely.

Developed by the UK Care Clinic Harley Street Skin, “Aging Index” can allegedly show how wrinkles and sharp skin can be caused by aspects of work life, including “change patterns, regular hours, work location, stress levels and physical activity.

They are said to base the calculator on studies from various institutions, including Harvard and the World Health Organization.

According to the calculator, being hanging on the computer for hours at a time can lead to poor demand and other diseases. Deagrez –

“Whether you work from full -time or usual home in a construction site, our research will find out how your work can affect the age of age,” they write.

To evaluate if one’s calling is accelerating the father’s time, participants need to answer a series of questions that go out of how long they sit at their stress levels and if they work around “harsh chemicals”.

Based on their answers, the calculator will generate a result from 100.

“Whether you work from full -time home or travel daily to a construction site, our research will reveal how your work can affect age,” writes Harley Street Skin. Harley street skin

The results below 40 show “small aging”, which means that the person is at a low risk of “ugliness” caused by work and can only exhibit small signs like wrinkles around the eyes.

Results between 40 and 60 show a risk of “moderate aging” marked by poor behavior and lines around the eyes – redefining the “lines” of work.

The highest level, from the calculator, was 80-100 or extreme aging, in which the suffering has rare gray hair, the second cloudy lines for stress and concentration, poor behavior, sun stains, sharp skin, unjust bags and dark circles.

Long hours and strange shifts can also contribute to premature aging. Getty Images/IstockPhoto

According to the calculator, being hanging on the computer for hours at a time can lead to poor demand and other diseases.

Excessive work is not only mental taxing, meanwhile. The calculator warns that the work of an excess number of hours a week can result in burns, poor sleep, decreased productivity and an increased risk of type 2 diabetes, heart disease and other health problems, the Daily Mail reported.

Having a profession where you spend time outdoors sounds ideal. However, the calculator warns that this prolonged sun exposure can lead to sun spots on the face and other symptoms associated with “severe aging” and “extreme”.

Other risk factors for this level of action include exposure to harsh chemicals such as cooking smoke or driving and night shifts that disrupt sleep, leading to defined wrinkles, reducing skin elasticity and sagging around the jaw, cheeks and neck.

In summary, workers can facilitate this aesthetic accident accident using constant work patterns, a proper sleep schedule, frequent screen breaks and a low -stress concert. In other words, they may want to avoid health care, education and other burning careers.

And these are not the only way to help dismissed aging caused by work.

The clinic also advised to eat fresh fruits and vegetables completely, drink plenty of water and wear sun cream while working outside to curb skin damage.

A stressful concert can be physically manifested in more ways than the above, as well.

A 2019 study from South Korea found that longer work could double the changes of men to go bald.

Scientists torn down this accelerated allegation tendency to increase the level of stress caused by a lot of work and not enough rest time.

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