Exclusive | Dave Asprey warns that green smoothies can actually work against you ‘

Time time to mix a reality in your diet.

Green smoothie has become a drink for Americans who want to increase their intake of nutrient -rich fruits and vegetables, improve digestion, and maybe even pour some pounds. Even Reese Witherspoon swears by having one every morning.

But before you come to Kale, remember this: “Just because it’s big doesn’t mean it’s good for you,” Biohacker said asprey for The Post.

Dave Asprey is a Biohacker that protects for a low -fat fuel diet. Washington Post Your images Getty

The problem is that the typical green smoothie is filled with holiday greens such as spinach, kale and Swiss scarf – all are very healthy but also loaded with high levels of oxalates.

Small amounts of these compounds that occur naturally are not usually harmful, but when consumed in large quantities, oxalates can be associated with minerals such as calcium, preventing them from plunging into your digestive system.

The real problem begins when oxalates are associated with calcium in your blood, forming small, sharp crystals that can be deposited anywhere in the body, causing muscle pain. If your body is low in urine volume and high in oxalate, these minerals can be built and lead to painful kidney stones.

“There is this idea that smoothie will clean you, but it will surely block your kidneys,” ASPERY said.

Oxalate crystals are behind an 80% of renal stone cases in the United States. And it’s not just the leaves – foods like raspberries, chocolate, almonds and even green tea are also filled with oxalates.

While drinking green smoothies is finally in moderation, overloading can lead to high levels of oxalates. Nblxer – stock.adobe.com

“Your body can only handle 200 milligrams [of oxalates] One day, and a green smoke with almond milk and spinach can have five times more than your body can take, “Asprey explained.

As with most things, moderation is essential. Doctors say the oxalates are finally in small doses, but the worst cases usually occur when people are immersed in fluid or clear smoothies.

On one occasion, a 65-year-old woman with a normal kidney was drinking a green smoothie loaded with oxalates as part of a cleaning, just to end with acute kidney damage.

In another, a 68-year-old man entered the kidney failure six months after a high-day spinach juice regimen began. Its oxalat’s intake was 10 times higher than a normal diet.

Oxalate construction can form crystals, which can lead to painful kidney stones. New Africa – Stock.adobe.com

“People think,” Oh, it’s a green smoothie, it has to be fine “, but it can actually work against you,” ASPERY said.

Even small amounts of oxalates can cause burns in the eyes, ears, mouth and throat in sensitive people. Larger quantities can cause abdominal pain, muscle weakness, nausea and diarrhea.

But do not rush to throw all those greens yet. If you are prone to kidney stones or have kidney disease, your doctor may suggest a diet with low okalat. For the rest of us, there are ways to prevent oxalat’s construction.

One of the best ways to reduce your chances of forming calcium oxalate stones is drinking water completely. Hydrated stay helps to thin your urine, making it harder for calcium and oxalates to build and form painful crystals.

“People think,” Oh, it’s a green smoothie, it has to be fine “, but it can actually work against you,” ASPERY said. Robb Report your images Getty

You also need to increase your calcium consumption. By eating enough calcium, it relates to oxalates in your stomach and intestines before reaching your kidneys. Adding magnesium and zinc to your diet can also help reduce oxalate absorption.

Also, you may want to ease in vitamin C supplements, which can increase the production of oxalic acid in your body. Increasing your intestinal health with fermented foods and probiotics can also help break the oxalates.

Still not ready to throw green smoothie? Try changing some of the ingredients with high okalat. Arrugula instead of spinach, sunflower seeds instead of almond butter, and berries instead of raspberries are all great alternatives to lower those levels.

#Exclusive #Dave #Asprey #warns #green #smoothies #work
Image Source : nypost.com

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