It’s not a plane trip long enough to stop it not to arrive Food.
Had people not already gone to Playlus length per click, a Texas influenza has ruthlessly matured after flying 1,600 miles to NYC – for a sandwich.
Fly-in Foodie chronicled his “hero’s journey” controversial in a video stirring his face on Instagram.
“If I was going to fly to New York tomorrow for a sandwich, how stupid is stupid?” Leo Skepi asked his 1.1 million followers in a viral clip posted on Monday.
He said he got for the “field trip to adult” after his sister told him to Lenwich, a great Apple institution that has recently been blown up in his Caesar wrapper.
Deli Nosh, which costs $ 13.99, contains a highly spartan grilled chicken chest, parmesan cheese, rome lettuce, croutons and a caesar sauce. There is also a caesar wrap that is practically identical in addition to a healthy sprinkling of jalapenos and a spicy sauce.
While this sandwich may look milqotoast, tiktokkers have made pilgrimages from all over the world to get a bite.
And despite warnings from tiktoxers – some of which they called under the store “overestimated” and called this a “bad financial decision” – skept decided it was one Coils.
He put his money where his mouth and reserved three tickets from Dallas to Big Apple for himself, his sister and cousin.
“There is one that landed at noon and another flight that leaves New York at 5pm, so we would have enough time to leave the airport, take the small chicken salad wrap, regardless of F – K, take a bunch of them, and then return to the plane and go home,” “Everyone gets your slide permit! This is a field trip to adult, but I am telling myself that it is for my sister. I’m going to do it for it. “
“It’s worth it,” he added. “F -K it, let’s book.”
In a following clip filmed before his flight 7 in the morning, Skepa showed how he even got up in a stylish, all-round dress so that he could “look beautiful for my sandwich”.
“We simply retired to Mother F -King restaurant,” he said with teasing the camera food in another video taken in a Lenwich branch located in the flattery circle.
The sketch then entered their quarry, which included at least two caesar coils, regular and strict. Also on the load were a chimichurri sandwich, a box of chips and two lenwiches, a priest hero, corn beef, Swiss cheese, cough and thousands of dress island.
After trying the main withdrawal, which he modified to not have croutons, Texan claimed to be “good”, but noted that the spicy and original versions were not so different.
“If you come, get it classic,” recommended Skeepage, who packaged four more sandwiches in a duffel to go.
In fact, the influencer loved Noses so much that he could not resist by getting into one on the way home from Dallas Airport.
“Gimme one of them sandwiches,” Skept asked in his latest sandwich diary. He gave the wrapper dozens through the board, before asking how it was still so well after traveling by plane.
Instagram commentators were pleased that the dish looked worth traveling, which would go on trips of a thousand dollars, including travel shares, food and plane tickets, The Days Mail Veste.
“The best trip on the ground to adult I was inspired,” Gush one, while another wrote, “I liked to see this trip. We all learn to get daily advice like you.”
“Welp … happy to report, this series was worth it,” one -third called. “Please include the conversation after traveling with your nutritionist.”
However, others were less excited. “Lenwich” ??? There are better sandwich places in NYC! “It mourned one day.
Another wrote, “Lenwich is not everything. My deli around the corner is better and cheaper.”
“Help me be able to be financially able to get a flight of PLZ sandwich,” said one third.
However, Skept is not the only influential that, to tear a line of flesh, will do nothing for “lunch”.
During the summer, Chocoholics went viral after traveling around the world to eat a special bar that is available only in Dubai, the United Arab Emirates.
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