Dear Abby: How do we say to my sad mother that her nephew may not survive?

Dear Abby: In recent years, my family has faced a lot of losses, especially my mother. In the space of three years, she has lost her parents, my father and my brother.

We had a little joy when my son was born. He brought very happy when everyone was heartbroken.

Immediately after my brother’s death, we found that we were pregnant again. Ne menduam se kjo do të sjellë më shumë gëzim për nënën, por ne po marrim lajme të këqija nga mjekët, dhe fëmija mund të mos e bëjë atë të përfundojë ose të mbijetojë shumë kohë pas lindjes.

I’m not sure how to break this news for Mom, and my wife is going where we can no longer hide than she is pregnant.

We are getting a second opinion, but although we are holding hope, I’m not sure it will change the situation.

We know we have to tell Mom something. Any advice on how to tell her without breaking her heart? – Keeping in New England

Dear Keeping: My condolences to your mother, who has experienced a lot of losses in recent years. However, it is an adult and deserves to be a full participant in your life and is treated as such.

For her (and yours) sake, tell her what is going on and gives her the opportunity to be supportive of you.

Dear Abby: My son -in -law is never in time for nothing. He is responsible for running his young son in elementary school and is constantly late with four or five minutes.

He and my daughter have received letters reminding them of the importance of being in time. I testify this because we share a house. He was fired from his last second work to delay.

I am a very meticulous person, so his delay for everything crazy. I have tried to address it easily, for no avail.

Burri im dhe unë jemi në pension, dhe unë i sugjerova burrit tim që të mund të ofroja për ta çuar nipin tonë në shkollë, por burri im thotë se duhet të qëndroja jashtë tij. How can I afford this? – punctual in New Jersey

Patient dear: Your great should not suffer because of his father’s irresponsibility. It is important for him to go to school in time, with no black marks on his record.

If that means your daughter, you or your husband sees that he arrives there in a time way, so be.

Of course, this does not solve the problem of the usual delay of your groom. Por mbase ai do të mësojë zakone më të mira kur fjala të marrë rreth se ai nuk mund të shënojë një orë në kohë kur punëdhënësit e ardhshëm kërkojnë referenca.

Dear Abby was written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby on or Yes Box 69440, Los Angeles, Ca 90069.

#Dear #Abby #sad #mother #nephew #survive
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