Photoshop fails or first date?
A creative woman is sharing the shocking way she slips into men’s messages in meeting apps.
Tikkker Madeline Salazar – which passes from @immadsal – often Photoshops Herslf in the men’s photos after their profiles to give them a picture of what their lives might look like.
Tiktok / @immadsal
Self-proclaimed “Phototoshop and Expert/Comedian” has been used several times the creative space and even posted a series of ticks displaying its bold movements.
“I thought my Bumble match had such cute pictures, but I thought I could make them cutters too … adding myelf! So I photographed myself and sent it,” she said in a video titled “Adding myelf for boys bumble pits PT.
In her videos, she shares the extremely detailed process of lowering photos to add her.
Salazar then send the new photo to the boy replying a quick to his profile and looking forward to an answer.
“I wanted! No doubt it turned out better than the original! “The man responded sweetly.
Tiktok / @immadsal
“We will have to get a matching elastic material,” she said.
It gets mixed answers – or not – from men – but its viewers love it.
“Girl how are you not married at this point already?” Someone asked.
“You have to go on numerous data a day because these are amazing !!!” another commentator.
In her latest video, Salazar revealed that her tactic actually scored her date.
She sent messages to a man named Ryan a photo of her added to a photo of him standing in the bow of a boat to make him look like the two were lined with life vests and smiling each other.
Salazar sent the photo in response quickly: “What is your dream holiday destination?”
Tiktok / @immadsal
“10/10 on creativity,” Ryan replied with a applause emoji. “I’m impressed.”
Both had little banter until she learned that he was in the city for a short time on a business trip.
However, the conversation was resurrected when Ryan discovered that she learned about her series Tiktok and “had a good sense of humor” saying he thought Tiktok was “ridiculous”.
He then admitted that he would receive some messages in apps for meetings from women who had seen her in her videos and said at least he couldn’t buy her a drink.
Salazar had never met anyone from her stunts and wanted to choose his brain how her movement was encountered.
“I was nervous he would think I was crazy, but he didn’t think it was really funny,” she shared.
The only single one said her first wild message works like a great ice.
When discussing the attraction of stunts to slide into the messages of a hottie, Jaime Bronin, a licensed therapist and author of “Man*ifsting: a step -by -step guide to attract the love that is intended for you, notes that , end, end, end, end, end, end, end, end, end, end, bottom, end, end, receiver are likely interpret the attempt however They want, depending on whatever feeling they are or are not there.
“You may notice that the sky is blue,” she told the post before. “If someone is interested, they will respond positively to you.”
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