The passenger of the plane sounds about the ‘unconsided’ flight behavior: ‘would prefer a child crying’

This will make you want to remove your hair – or theirs.

An angry traveler JetBlue shared a photo of the seat in front of them paved in the passenger’s hair, expressing their annoyance with the inconsiderable behavior of the person.

“This besides its screaming every few seconds in the Super Bowl has made this flight such a pleasure,” Flyer anonymously said sarcastically on Reddit.

The woman initially had her long draped hair over the back of the seat that blocked the screen until the redditor complained. Reddit/Prettylittlerader

According to their remarks in the comments, the woman sitting in front of them on their Sunday evening flight was blocking the user screen with her hair, just placing her triples in a bun when the user complained.

Redditor also claimed that the woman was “pushing her place back more than it was normal” just inch out of their face.

All torment has inspired the user to reserve first grade next time in an attempt to avoid unjust travelers – and commentators agreed.

“I am very happy to be financially stable to fly to the first grade for my other flight,” one person wrote.

“I would prefer a crying child, honestly; At least they have a Reason To be inconsiderable, ”another called.

“Really really extraordinary the amount of people who have absolutely zero spatial consciousness whatever or they simply do not give AF – – K to have any consideration for other people in public,” someone else mourned.

A jetBlue plane leaving Los Angeles International Airport on 03 January 2025
According to Redditor, the woman was taking advantage of JetBlue’s direct television to watch the Super Bowl while her hair was draped over her country. Getty Images

“Like I am willing to bet that whoever is this person, it would be so inattentive that all the rest of this plane did not like a – – mouth, or why you didn’t care about You had its own rats.

“F – – ked up, greasy but dry at the same time, curly bird hair tells me everything I need to know about it,” snarked a user.

“If you had scissors in your bag, you could fix the hair issue,” commented another person. “For the screams, that is why you have to carry with you headphones that cancel the noise.”

But the hair scenario is not the first of its kind. Airplane passengers have previously complained about similar internet behavior, such as Julie B. Christensen, who, in 2023, shared a viral video of a tall woman’s hair draped on the sedila. cover the screen.

As she said in disbelief that she wanted to “stuck”, Christense laughed her instead of expressing her disappointment.

“I wasn’t bored or nothing because I had so much legal,” she said at the time. “It was beautiful, gorgeous hair and came very nice and clear.”

“I wondered,” Why would you throw your beautiful clear hair across this filthy plane “but I think it belongs to it,” she added, though she asked the next travelers to “keep your hair in front himself. “

#passenger #plane #sounds #unconsided #flight #behavior #prefer #child #crying
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