Cubs Pet Strut at NYC for 149 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show: Photos

Over 3,000 dogs from all over the country and across the globe go down to New York City for the 149th annual Westminster Kennel Club dog, taking place at the Jacob Jacob Jacob Conventions Center in Manhattan.

Prestigious “Best in Show” will be crowned in Madison Square Garden on Tuesday, February 11, 2024.

Here is a back-to-dicky look at the Dog Show Day 1 on Monday, while they are preparing to parade and poses to become high dogs.

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A sheep sheep is minced in the bench area. Sarah Yenesel/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK

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A standard poodle that is gathering at the 149th annual show of Westminster Kennel Club Dog at the New York City Center on February 10, 2025.
A standard plo. AFP your getty images

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Participants who grooming their silk terries on the 149th annual annual annual Kennel Club Show in New York City, 2025.
A silky terrier. AFP your getty images

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Dogs that are groomed in the bench area on the 149th annual annual dog dogs Westminster Kennel Club in Manhattan, New York
A Bridge is minced. Stephen Yang for NY Post

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Dogs that are groomed in the bench area on the 149th anniversary annual dog dogs Westminster Kennel Club, Jacob Javitz Center, Manhattan, New York.
A malts. Stephen Yang for NY Post

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Jim Jim, a bulldog, dressed in a head decoration on the 149th anniversary of dog dogs Westminster Kennel Club in New York City, 2025
Jim Jim, a bulldog, wears a head decoration. Reuters

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Dogs that are groomed in the Benching area on the 149th anniversary of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Jacob Javitz Center in Manhattan, New York.
The dogs are groomed in the area of ​​the benching. Stephen Yang for NY Post

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A Saluki taken care of at the 149th annual show of Westminster Kennel Club Dog in New York City, dressed in a yellow scarf on her head
A greeting. AFP your getty images

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Participants pushing their Biewer terriers in a wheelchair towards the trial area on the 149th annual annual dog dogs Westminster Kennel Club in New York City, 2025
Participants roll their biewer terriers in the trial area. AFP your getty images

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Dogs that are groomed in the Benching area on the 149th anniversary of the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show on Jacob Javitz Center, Manhattan, NY.
The dogs are groomed in the area of ​​the benching. Stephen Yang for NY Post

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One see tzu taking her hair brushed at dog show 149 Westminster Kennel Club in New York, 2025
One see tzu has dyed his hair. Apea

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Standard Poodles gathering on the 149th annual annual Kennel Club Show's annual annual annual annual annual annual annual annual annual annual annual Kennel Dog Show in New York City, 2025.
Standard poodles are arranged. AFP your getty images

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A Silky Terrier taking care of the 149th annual show of Westminster Kennel Club Dog in New York City, 2025.
A silky terrier. AFP your getty images

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Old English old sheepdog tired before judging at the 149th Kennel Club Dogs in New York
An old English sheep. Apea

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A Biewer Terrier and a Maltese that is accumulating on the 149th anniversary of Kennel Kennel Club Knus Dog in New York, Sh.BA
A Biewer Terrier and a Maltese are minced. Sarah Yenesel/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK

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Dionne Call and Joanne Flow by relaxing with their Komnondorok dogs on the 149th anniversary of Kennel Club's dog anniversary in New York City
Komondorok dogs. Getty Images

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Dogs that are groomed in the Benching area during the 149th annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show at Jacob Javitz Center in Manhattan, NY
The dogs are groomed in the area of ​​the benching. Stephen Yang for NY Post

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Handler with its poodle on the 149th anniversary annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York City
A holder stands with her acne. Getty Images

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Dogs that are groomed in the Benching area on the 149th anniversary annual dog dogs Westminster Kennel Club in Manhattan, New York.
The dogs are groomed in the area of ​​the benching. Stephen Yang for NY Post

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Two bearded colies posing for a photo at the 149 Westminster Kennel Club dog show in New York
A pair of bearded colies. Apea

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Yorkshire Terriers taking care of the bench area in the dog showing 149 Westminster Kennel Club in New York.
Yorkshire Terrier. Apea

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Crussed Chinese Holders and Dog Holders Sitting Together During the 149th Annual Dogs of Westminster Kennel Club at Javits Center in New York
Chinese Kushi. Sarah Yenesel/EPA-EFE/SHUTTERSTOCK

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Dogs that are groomed in the Benching area in 149 Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York
The dogs are groomed in the area of ​​the benching. Apea

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Minced pug sitting in the bench area during the 149 Westminster Kennel Club dog show in New York.
Grained pits sitting in the bench area. Apea

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Bichon Frieze taking care of the 149th annual Westminster Kennel Club dog show in New York City, 2025
Bichon Frize. AFP your getty images

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A dog that opens next to its owner on 149th anniversary of the Kennel Club Club dog in New York City
A dog takes a nap next to his holder. AFP your getty images

#Cubs #Pet #Strut #NYC #Westminster #Kennel #Club #Dog #Show #Photos
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