Which foods to eat for a healthier Super Bowl holiday – including a ‘diligent’ snack that is not that bad

Super Bowl Sunday is about Gluttony what is about football.

According to a new study by Levity, the average hour of the Super Bowl meal at a 3,506 stunning calories – more than all day food!

“Traditionally and socially, Super Bowl is just a great time of eating,” Courtney Smith, a registered dietitian, diabetes specialist and founder of Keys to Nutrition, told The Post.But it’s Sunday evening, and you don’t want to feel terrible the next day. Be it from eating too much or drinking. “

Indeed, more than half of football fans want the world after the big game to be a second national holiday in no small part of the severe mixing of stressful competition, alcohol and Snacking of Hevy. Based on the historical record, millions of swollen and hungry Americans will go to work today due to “super illness on Monday”.

The average hour of the Super Bowl meal at a 3,506 stunning calorie – more than the value of an entery day! Victoria – Stock.adobe.com

However Smith says there are ways to Fight swelling and bad feelings. First on the list? Use the spread before loading.

“Whenever you go to a holiday where there is a spread or a buffet, I always recommend you walk in line and watch the options before you get a dish because chances can take things on your plate, you will eat them “, it will eat them,” said

Research shows that eating while watching television usually leads to overload.

“I usually do not recommend eating by eating because it is not aware. You’re watching the football game and sitting there for hours; you most likely clean your dish,” she added.

However, when it comes to foolish consumption on the day of play, some choices are worse than others.

Uniuding, Jalapeño poppers, often mature, sometimes wrapped in bacon, and filled everywhere with cream cheese, does not cut the Smith for healthy choices.

But that does not mean that they are very out of the table for football fans.

“The size of the part matters with everything. If you want to have a Jalapeño Popper, I will climb to 1 or 2. I don’t want people to feel limited because I don’t think most of us have jalapeño pops often.

While many of us will watch the game in cooler weather, Chili will be a key element of the party, and Smith says a accumulated bowl can be a healthy choice.

Another snack for wonder and relatively healthy day, according to Smith? Potato -skin Reving Nelea – Stock.adobe.com

“For most people Super Bowl is happening during dinner, so we want to think of it as a meal; are we taking our protein? Are we getting fruits and vegetables? Are we getting fiber? That will be more appearance And it will lead to less consumption, ”she said.

Second in the mixture of lean meat and beans, the chili is filled with saturated protein and fiber. She keeps lonely lonely fans, reducing the possibility of enjoying less fortified foods.

Just go lightly to high -fat pellets like cheese and sour cream.

Another snack for wonder and relatively healthy day, according to Smith? Potato skins.

“I feel like potatoes have been repaid for so long, mainly because the most popular way for potatoes is to fry them deeply. But if you take a baked potato and paint it is not essentially bad. The skin, which is Full of fiber, it is probably the most nutritious part of the potato. “

Smith recommends bringing a healthy diving, rich in home protein. Phillip Rubin – Stock.adobe.com

However, as with the burner, Smith suggests to go lightly to the cheese.

As she persistently notes, “Cheese is a condition; We want to use it as a light light, not as the main ingredient. “

To ensure that at least one nutrients sit on your plate at the holiday, Smith recommends bringing a plate of fruit and guacamole, hummus and home -made diving.

“One of my favorite hacks is to use a SEASON OF THE SEASON COMPLETED VALREY RANCHEt, add non -greasy yogurt instead of mayonnaise, and make it in a high protein farm sauce. You can dip your vegetables or even your arms into it. “”

However, Smith supports fans who enjoy all the snacks they want on the day of the game.

“My caveat is that the Super Bowl is a day a year, and if you decide to enjoy your favorite pleasure of guilt, that’s still moderation.”

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Image Source : nypost.com

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