An Australian mother has struck a doctor for his behavior at her six-week after birth.
Shelley Gray, a mother of two children in Queensland, and a pediatric nutrition, say her expectations were completely reasonable.
“I thought the meeting would be for me and how my physical and mental health was going since only six weeks of action,” she said Casualty.
But that’s not what happened.
“My husband should live after”
“I got a question asking how I was going,” she revealed.
“The remainder of the meeting was spent with the doctor asking me which birth control I wanted.”
Shocked, the mother of two was sent to Tiktok to share her disappointment.
She found out the main concern of the doctor was not her healing – it was her husband and as HEY He was facing a newborn.
“He did not look at a lot of tears and saw how he was healing, he didn’t even touch my stomach to see how everything was going,” she said.
Although Shelley was his patient, she felt it was not the doctor’s foot.
“He told me I had to go to birth control, as I had to get again. My husband had to live after,” she discovered.
“It was completely inappropriate, essentially telling me that I have to serve my husband” and return soon to our sexual intercourse to help relieve his stress, with little in mind if I’m ready for this after birth. “
It was surprised.
“I was shocked and in disbelief. After some time reflecting I was angry about it. Not just for me, but how many women would not experience such conversations.”
“I see only female doctors”
While Shelley acknowledges that fathers’ mental health matters, she argues that there is a time and place for that conversation-and is not during the first check of a mother after birth.
“I think support is needed for fathers, and maybe they should be encouraged to have their controls,” she argues.
“But we need to make sure that women feel based on these controls and receive references to the correct supports.”
Shelley’s tiktok hit a nerve.
“And that is why I see only female doctors,” replied one viewer.
“I’m sorry this was your experience. You 100% you deserved better, ”said another.
Others shared similar stories.
“I feel like this care is standard. My doctor never checked my scar, ”a mother shared.
“Omg I had this correct experience!” another discovered.
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