The mother who has cancer was deceived foreigners to give her 100k-now victims are talking: ‘This is not right’

Amanda Christine Riley deceived strangers with a good heart facing cancer-now, her detailed deception is the object of a new dock.

Riley, 39, was sentenced to five years in prison after pleading guilty to the search for more than $ 100,000 in donations for medical treatments that she never received and did not claim, a fraud that began more than a decade.

The title “Scamanda”, Scamanda “, based on the same podcast, will follow the story of Riley, a Christian blogger launching a blog titled” Lymphoma can absorb it “, where she claimed she was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma.

Riley launched a blog in 2012 to document her alleged lymphoma trip and demanded thousands in donations, but was eventually convicted of wire fraud.

In 2012, Mother-Dy aroused the story of a cancer trip and demanded funds from more than 300 people reaching $ 105,513.

She also received free gifts, services for grandfather, tips and more.

At the time, Riley, a young mother, was an active member of her church, and the news of her cancer diagnosis was devastating.

“That came suddenly, it came a lot,” church member Lindsey Wilder told ABC News. “And she didn’t deserve to go through something so difficult.”

She wrote about her cancer treatment on her blog, which became extremely popular and supported her community, and eventually revealed that she was pregnant with her second child – a miracle for someone with an IUD and I underwent chemotherapy.

Riley cheated on loved ones and her community believing she had aggressive cancer. Hulu
Riley was sentenced to five years in prison for her crime.

“After all this kimo and the radiation she had, she is pregnant,” Mahastic Ameli, Babysuiter of Rileyâ, for ABC News. “I said, ‘Amanda, what’s going on now with you being pregnant?’ Oh, my doctor said I could stop Kimo and radiation or anything that is for my cancer until the baby is born.

Riley claimed that her doctors would allow her to stop her treatment while she was pregnant until her birth, at the time, expenses from her medical treatment and other financial burdens forced her to declare the family.

This is when the spills were poured.

“At one point, I started reading her blog. She was posting pictures and I just got up in all the attention she rises for, ”Lisa Berry, a former Riley’s girlfriend, told ABC News.” There was only something inside me just saying that’s right. “

Berry grew up more and more suspicious when Riley went swimming shortly after she allegedly “drained with juice from her brain”.

“I know it wasn’t right,” Berry said. “And I start to get through my mind and think of all the stories she told me.”

Medical professionals suspect Riley has a “fictitious disorder” by The Guardian. Hulu
“I know that some of her friends in the field of medicine have been beaten after hearing Podcast and feel terrible that they suspected nothing,” Moscatiello explained to Reddit. Hulu

In 2015, Berry anonymously contacted investigative manufacturers Nancy Moscatiello, who was looking for fraud stories to bring to light as part of a new television show. It led Riley’s accounts to numerous hospitals that highlighted the inconsistencies in its history, causing Moscatiello to present the issue in the internal income service.

In 2020, Riley was charged with wire fraud, and two years later, pleaded guilty and sentenced to five years in prison.

While Riley was convicted of swing 349 people and entities from 105,513.43 dollars, Moscatiello claimed that she tracked an additional $ 80,000 that was not received through cash donations.

“I know that some of her friends in the field of medicine have been beaten after hearing Podcast and feel terrible that they suspected nothing,” Moscatiello explained in a dedicated Reddit forum to answer questions about Riley.

“Some were not reading the blog because they were seeing it all the time and receiving direct updates – so they didn’t see some of the most ridiculous claims she was making to ask about the treatment for the public.”

An anonymous advice launched an investigation into Riley’s cancer history, eventually leading to her conviction. ABC News Studio
The “Scamanda” documents were premiered in January. 30 and will transmit new episodes every Thursday to ABC. Hulu

In her first 18 months in the block, Riley visited the emergency room two dozen times for variaus diseases like chest pain, rapid heartbeat and a cut on the head, Guardian reported. Her attorneys said her frequent visits to the hospital were reasons to complete or reduce her sentence, arguing that her health issues could be better treated by prison.

At the time, US lawyer Michael Pitman said many medical professionals claimed that Riley would try to manipulate the test results to look more sick than he was, the Dalja reported. Health care workers captured her – keeping her breath during a test of oxygen saturation “or deliberately emphasizing her body to increase her heartbeat by The Guardian.

â € œPerssplaps not surprisingly, Hawver, medical data protection explains that it does not actually suffer from any acute health problems at all, Pitman wrote in court documents.

He also noted that a host of healthcare experts suspected that the symptoms of Riley € œexhibited the mã¼nchausen syndrome “, also known as” fictitious disorder. “

Riley was released from a prison in Texas in December 2024 and was transferred to a center of the south California Reintrice to complete her sentence. It is planned to go on the market in December. 4, 2025.

“Scamanda” premiere in January. 30 in 9 afternoon and will be broadcast on ABC every Thursday with the next day broadcasting in Hulu.

#mother #cancer #deceived #foreigners #give #100know #victims #talking
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