The air passenger shares the terrible experience of riots for the first time: ‘my soul left the earth’

That was a lumpy trip.

Think again – if you can – for the first time you have ever experienced turbulence when flying on a plane. Terrible, right? This is exactly what happened to this passenger who went to Tiktok to share her scary experience.

The tiktok @maanner user began to record what initially looked like a quiet video – the wing of the plane flying between a beautiful blue sky and some fluffy clouds.

“The first time in a plane and it happens …” While the text overlaps hints that this video is not as quiet as anyone would think. Suddenly, the wing of the plane is seen trembling in the sky as it passes through the clouds, which, as most experienced flyers know, is just unrest.

However, for this passenger, she must have thought that her worst flying nightmare was becoming true. It did not help that other passengers on the plane be heard shouting against the video background.

The video entitled “TB when my soul left the land + panic voices in BG” has over four million views and almost 2,000 comments of people standing.

The anxiety of the flight is clearly high these second days for the news of all the latest plane crashes – so people had a lot to say about the subject.

Some people opened significantly for their turbulence fair.

“It happened when I was leaving, I almost cried,” one commenter revealed.

“I’ve been in more planes than I can ever calculate and my soul still leaves my body every time we go through a cloud,” this person shared.

“I hate the cloudy flights because of this. So bumpyyyy, ”wrote one commenter.

Other comments tried to be insured, sharing that the riots are nothing to worry about.

“It’s called turbulence. Normal is normal and safe as a speedy speed in a parking lot, ”said one person.

“Always remember that there is no accident caused by turbulence,” another comment reads.

“The most dangerous thing about the turbulence is the people who are attracted to this,” someone else has to do with it.

Many people say the turbulence is equal to a car that crosses a collision on a tough road. Getty Images/IstockPhoto

If you are someone who is easily extracted from the turbulence, it may be useful to know three of the largest roads in the SH.BA, so you can avoid them when you book your next flight.

According to Turbla, a tool of predicting turbulence, try to avoid Albuquerque flight to Denver. As you are in it, try to withdraw from the flight from Denver to Jackson’s tourist town, Wyo. Finally, don’t even think of Jackson in Salt Lake City, as the third way is ranked as the biggest way to flight.

#air #passenger #shares #terrible #experience #riots #time #soul #left #earth
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