I am a career coach – these are the 4 lies you should tell absolutely during the job interview

Be a liar – or you won’t be hired.

Isobelle Panton, a Manchester -based -based content creator who offers career tips online, revealed “the lies you need to tell absolutely in an interview”, including the reason for leaving your previous work.

“Even if it’s the most valuable reason, if it’s negative, I don’t want to hear it,” Panton said in a tiktok video marking 2 million views.

“Keep positive, keep professional, keep progressive.”

Instead, she advised to say something along the lines of: “I’m looking to leave my current company because I think she exhausted all the opportunity to develop there.”

She recommended to underline why you want a role in the next company, such as its “dynamic” qualities and opportunities for promotion and career growth.

Second, she said “I always lie to how many offers or processes you are.”

Panton was sent to Tiktok to wash her interview secrets. Tiktok/@corporateagonyaount/

“Even if this is your dream, dream work, don’t do it like this is the only interview you have because it gives the air of despair you really need this job,” she said.

“While if they think you have multiple eggs in multiple baskets, and they perceive you as high talent …[it] means that you are more likely to get the offer you actually see. “

Next, Panton said to keep aspireative travel plans for yourself – in other words, do not pour the beans for “your big plans to go and travel to Thailand for a year”.

“The amount of people who admit they want to spend a year later, it just tells me that they are just getting this job so they can pay for it,” she explained.

“Part of life is about what you want to do. But I don’t need to hear it.”

Finally, she advised the distribution of the goals of building your “Empire”.

“I’m the biggest lawyer for side hurry – I want a time Hus Time and on weekends and evenings,” she continued.

This tells her that the interviewee has other motivations to work for her company.

Panton’s tips opened the eyes of the interview with hope for the realities of a corporate job. Specifically, some argued, that “the interviews are just who is the best liar.”

“That’s actually sad,” a user mourned.

“Why is it [it] So acceptable to lie? “Asked another.

“Corporations are just a bunch of people who lie to each other. I hate everyone for that, ”someone else commented.

“So basically pretend that you do not love money work, though this is the main reason people work in the first place,” kidnapped another person.

“It is a game, and you have to play it!” Argued a viewer.

“I’m not building to climb corporate stairs I’m a bad liar,” someone else called.

“Everything here illustrates the most annoying look of corporate culture and employment practices,” captured another. “What would you say you * wants me to lie to you?”

But Panton prompted Tiktokkers not to shoot the messenger.

“Hey I don’t make the rules,” she said.

#career #coach #lies #absolutely #job #interview
Image Source : nypost.com

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