Impacts share viewing inside the shoebox ‘NYC apartment – where they are forced to live outside the suitcase

Two roommates have given a look inside their apartment “Shoebox” New York City, revealing that the space is so small, they are forced to live outside their luggage because there is not enough to set any room for closure.

Audrey Stasis and Maggie Gholston, both 22, were transferred to Big Apple after graduating from Auburn University, trading significant Abodes alabama for an extra small pillow in Manhattan.

Women say they love their lives in New York City, most of which they regularly document in Tiktok, but they admit that their new apartment has received a little more than used.

While many Manhattan houses are limited in space, the Gholston and Sascus apartment receive the concept of narrow living neighborhoods on a whole new level.

There are such tight corridors, women can barely fit, and the only storage available for clothing is a single coat closet.

Audrey Stasis and Maggie Gholston moved to New York after graduating from Auburn University, now living in an extra small apartment in Manhattan. Instagram / @Magggiegstone

In a viral video, which so far has over 2.2 million views, they opened the dogs on their humble pillow, where they live outside the luggage.

“Come on this way,” Gholston tells viewers as she shines down the corridor at their apartment door. The space is so narrow, they “can’t open the door all the way.”

Viral video of roommates showing the space so far has over 2.2 million views. Tiktok / @kimberly sullivan
In the video, Gholston shines down the corridor at the door of their second apartment in the narrow space. Tiktok / @kimberly sullivan

“Here we have Foyer Grand,” joked the college aluminum from the pokey space, which could not suit her and her roommate at the same time.

Immediately after entering the house, Guests greet with the “largest room” in the apartment: the bathroom.

This “is our only closet,” Gholston adds as it displayed a storage space built on the front of the apartment.

She then moves to show her room, which she calls “crazy asylum box”. The camera stops the space to show some success on the floor, all filled with clothing, as well as a small table coming with a “Stool Barbie”.

Moving in the kitchen, the stasis shows their broken stove and their refrigerator, which is one of some full facilities in this house.

She then reveals how they maximized their space while preserving some of their parts under their bed.

Stasis says they maximized their space while storing some items under their bed. Tiktok / @kimberly sullivan

The tour is then moved to the Stasco room, which is slightly larger than that of Gholston and boasts a small dress rack and warehouse under the bed.

“We’re working with about 1 foot space,” she says as she shows her composition from her window, which also feels a small bench instead of a more traditional chair.

“Thank you very much for coming to our apartment tournament,” Stasi says at the end of the clip.

Stask has a composition from its window, displaying a small chair instead of a chair. Tiktok / @kimberly sullivan

Viewers flooded the comments with questions about the small space of roommates. However, everyone went unanswered.

According to Sweeten, a bedroom in New York City should measure 8 meters from both sides, have an 8 -foot ceiling and be at least 80 square meters for it to meet the legal standard.

And while some states make the houses mandatory to have a closet, New York is not one of them, which means that the charming Apartment of Stasis and Gholston meets legal requirements.

This is not the first time the New Yorkers have received on the video sharing platform to display their small settlements.

Gholston calls her room “crazy asylum box”, which has some successes on the floor -filled floor. Tiktok / @kimberly sullivan

Previously, a woman who pays $ 3,200 a month for her New York City studio apartment, left the internet in a upproar after discovering that the kitchen is so small, there is no room for an oven.

Avery Addon Tool for Tiktok to display one of the most unusual aspects of her apartment West Village Studio after she saw another content creator after a video of her ultra small bath.

In Addon’s video, which is massive more than 1.7 million views, she acknowledged that the size of space and the lack of basic facilities may look “crazy”, but she insisted it does not bother her because she has so many extraordinary restaurants with her home.

Girls do not answer viewers’ questions about the small space. Tiktok / @kimberly sullivan

Speaking exclusively to Realtor.comABOUTAddison, who works in the production of events, said she knew she would have to make compromises and sacrifices to live in Manhattan alone. She lived in the small space for a “year”.

Another New Yorker also discovered the brutal realities of the friendly city with the budget living showing one of the strange equipment in her apartment: “toilet sink”.

Emily kindly shared the regular glances of her daily life in Big Apple in Tiktok, where she has more than 200,000 followers.

Although her past videos have tried popular, a clip in which she received through what she describes as the “smallest bath in New York City” all, but broke the internet, masking more than 13 million views.

In the video, she revealed that her sink was part of her bathroom. The sink was built on the reservoir cover in what seems to be a very drastic measure of saving space.

The bonomy found that water in the faucet is operated by the toilet rash.

“What is great for this is that you do not need to light the sink and light the toilet in two separate actions. It is actually the same action,” it left while frying the toilet to make the water flow of the sink.

“And if you are thinking, ‘What if I want to blush the toilet but I don’t want to light the sink?’ Well, this is not an option.

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