Exclusive | From Turkey’s transplantation trips to robots, brick men are turning their hair using fashion restaurant hacks – and they are not ashamed to talk about it

Steve Kinyon always dreamed of long sports locks, lush like Thor-Marvel’s hair to thunder thorl, played by Chris Hemsworth.

But instead of honoring it as a fabricated deity, Kinyon’s noise again in high school crowned the “Balding Virgin” because of his early signs of male brushes.

Years after being forced to endure their hell, the 34-year-old decided to do something about him. But instead of seeking revenge, he entered the plane and flew to Turkey – for a $ 5,000 hair transplant.

Hoping to plunge his nickname “Balding Virgin” once and for all, Kinyon underwent a Turkish hair transplant procedure for less than $ 5,000. Now hair time

“I’m pretty sure,” says Kinyon, a married father of two. “But having long and fuller hair adds an extra incentive.”

The traveler who is looking for TESS is one in a growing army of boys who choose invasive and non -vasies of cosmetic hair restoration in the battle against domes of cubes.

It is a condition that affects 85% of men at the age of 50, according to the American Association of Hair Loss. Two -thirds of people we experience visible spills at the age of 35, while 25% of Fellas say so long on their beaches before the age of 21.

Now, they are going to the distance to restore wanting berries to work everything, from self -made techniques, such as dermas stamps, to robotic reconstruction systems.

Rita Linkner, a two-board dermatologist on the upper side of the East, told the post that the wound has many causes-but many new innovative solutions as well.

“When it comes to hair loss,” she continued, “people have to throw the kitchen sink into it to save and restore those healthy glands.”

Kinyon tells the post that his 5,000 dollars of Turkey’s $ 5,000 was a valuable investment. Politeness Steve Kinyon
Dad, influenced by divided, beloved food, says he fully explored the benefits and evils of the transplant operation before defining aircraft in Turkey for the procedure in February. Politeness Steve Kinyon
Turkey’s hair transplant visuals have gone viral on social media. Politeness Steve Kinyon

Here are some of the best hacks men are using to restore their hair.

Derma while sealing in style

With enviable heights and an excellent well structure on its side, the growing pattern Ashten Barnes always had a look that dear camera.

But when social media critics took a look at his hair attraction line – namely, thinning near his temples – the burnt appearance felt forced to take things into his hands.

Barnes tells the post that Jibes from social media trolls made him little awareness about his troubled hair line. Courtesy

“People left comments like, ‘Whoa, friend, you better start planning a trip to Turkey,” “said a duplicate in the city center of Brooklyn, said Broklyn’s resident for the post.” At the beginning of 2023, I started microneedling with a dermas stamp. ”

The budget -friendly diy tool contains a stationary cartridge with a bed of small needles that, when applied to brick stains, create superficial puncture on the scalp.

In response to the poke, the body increases the blood flow to the caused areas, stimulating the production of collagen to promote hair growth with the Cleveland Clinic.

Raising as a fashion alternative, heartless for surgical solutions, Barnes grabbed it for only $ 25 through hand solution.

It uses the device once a week and applies minoxidil and rogaine points) and rosemary oils on the head to reach the best noise for its turkey.

It is a formula that is paying in the shovel for Barnes and Derma-Stampers all over the world.

In fact, researchers at the University of Chinese Beijing Medicine found that a combination of microneedling and minnoxidil “showed a significant increase in hair count” to 472 participants in a March 2024 study.

Barnes say web fans now send messages looking for tips and hair regrowth tricks. Courtesy

However, experts like linkner warn that dermastampation can cause bleeding or introduce bacteria and fungi to the head of the head.

But Barnes has been fortunate enough to experience only benefits.

“My faith has grown a lot,” he withdrew. “I am improving my health and my self-images and my hair is looking magnificent.”

PRP with, please!

The great apple image consultant, Turner Allen, always wants to put his best leg forward,-to, it means preventing his hair line from turning back.

Thus, after passing a $ 7,000 Miami hair transplant, Brooklyn resident put his head in the hands of Restoration experts in Med Spa based very numerous many-where Allen holds his herd on the right track with plasma-rich pockets.

Allen tells the post that he began to notice a line of faded hair in his 20s. Courtesy Turner allen

“For Prp, they extract your blood, rotate it [in a centrifuge] To share plasma rich in platelets, and to restore it to your head to facilitate growth and ensure that your glands are strong and active, ”the 32-year-old explained.

Michael Pollak and Steve Klebanow, co -founders of the Great Many, who began in June 2024, said the PRP was raised as their “Hero” technique of their studio.

“Likes like a natural fertilizer for your head,” Pollak the post told. Both he and Klebanow rely on the ionurgic drug to touch their tops.

For high -level locks, clients are encouraged to suffer three sections for a period of three months at $ 495 for treatment.

“Platelets in our blood have growth factors that cause healing,” Polack said. “And when we apply [those platelets] In other countries of the body, in that concentrated format, we can cause growth. “

Klebanow agreed, adding that clients usually experience “density and obesity” within six to nine months of treatment.

And Allen is a living test.

Allen plans to continue to undergo PRP treatments for the results of longer hair regrowth. Courtesy Turner allen

“My hair is in great condition and I feel safe,” said the professional stylist, mentioning the rise in Gotham guys who have recently begun to admit for similar cosmetic choices.

“Men in NYC are not hiding in our homes or cars,” Allen said. “When we are on the road, we want to feel good about what we look like.”

Turkey’s transplant Turks

For Kinyon, traveling to Istanbul to 4,000 hair implants grafting was an intelligent.

“Some of my friends had gone before and had excellent experiences,” said Utah software seller. “And she had ended affordable.”

Kinyon hopes his dream of having hair similar to Thor eventually. Now hair time

He made the trip over 6,200 miles in February. 7, throwing a small asset ($ 5,000 to be accurate) for the operation, plus housing, land transport and an English-speaking translator, at the time-renowned Tiktok Hair Clinic.

During the procedure, specialists collect healthy glands from a donor area – often located at the back of the head – and insert them into balding areas.

Patient stairs are counted before OP, which can last up to 12 hours depending on how much hair should be transplanted.

For Kinyon, who is still recovering and is likely not to see the full results for several months, his six-hour operation was without Ouch.

Jonathan intraction, 29, from Queens, was in the same way satisfied with his experience in Turkey’s hair time now in 2023 – even after the “painful” anesthesia shooting, he told the post.

The extraction tells the post that he was shocked that his hair line starting at the age of 26. Courtesy jonathan plot

Like Kinyon, the millennium spent under $ 5,000 for $ 3,200 grafting – although his procedure lasted only four hours.

“You are just waiting for the operation to be completed and the recovery process starts,” recalled the intervention, a content creator whose curls are now manually Withdrawal in his digital posts.

“I don’t have any regrets,” he continued – greeting the hair regrowth treatments of man’s best cosmetic friend.

Harassment credits the transplant of his turkey hair with increasing his confidence. Courtesy jonathan plot

“Likes like Botox – no one wants to admit they need Botox. But they take it to look and feel better, “he said.” If boys should receive transplants too, why not? “

Tiani bot is ready for you

Instead of allowing it to take its course, some Fellas of Feelless NYC are rescuing their beaches with the help of non-inhumane hands at a Tony Park Avenue clinic.

Tap Artas IX-A Robot in hiring plastic surgeon on board Michael Wolfeld. The task of the machine activated with it is to identify the best grafts for transplants of the follicular unit extract before harvesting belts from thousands and depositing them where they are most needed.

“Patients chose the robotic system because they want excellent quality grafting and excellent results,” told the post -painting hair restoration specialist for minimum invasive, painless procedure that can last up to 10 hours.

Wolfeld shows the post that the robotic system is a transplant procedure led by a doctor who offers high quality results. Wolf

With her advanced algorithms, Wolfled said the car “remember” the depth of the first extract of a client’s hair glands, which he repeats throughout the procedure for optimal results.

During recovery, patients may suffer little discomfort. But they can expect to see natural results within 10 days of treatment.

Patients with transplantation who choose the robotic system can talk over $ 10,000 about his services with him. Wolf
Wolfeld tells the post he has used the robot for more than a decade, helping men and women reaching their “extremely natural” hair heads. Wolf
The plastic surgeon says the results of robotic restoration are permanent. Wolf

Artificially intelligent splendor ranges from $ 9,000 to $ 16,000.

The cost of gathering hair regardless of, when it comes to permanent restoration, Wolfeld says “the robotic system is really incomparable”.

But Hawver they are going after the problem, the document admitted that he is simply happy that men in the municipality and the country are investing in self-care through hair care.

“There is no more stigma,” Wolfeld said. “Having a hair head gives men a rise in trust that can make a big difference in their personal, social and professional lives.”

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Image Source : nypost.com

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