Three cups of this drink a day can prevent dementia – it also fights heart disruption and cancer

About 6.7 million people in the US are living today with Alzheimer’s madness, and this number can increase to 13.8 million by 2060, according to NiH.

While there are many lifestyles that may seem lower in the risk of dementia – including keeping a good die, exercise regularly, accompanying and keeping your mind stimulated – the latest use suggests that there is a humble drink that can reduce your risk with just a few sips.

A study by Japan has found that older adults who regularly consume green tea have less lesions of white cerebral matter, a major indicator of cognitive fall and dementia.

The study found that “drinking green tea, especially three or more cups a day, can help prevent dementia.” RocketClips –

Researchers asked almost 9,000 adults to complete a questionnaire about their coffee and tea habits and used brain scans to analyze their data.

While they did not find any evidence that coffee intake can prevent cognitive fall, their results led them to conclude that drinking green tea – especially three or more cups a day – can help prevent dementia.

The findings match previous studies that have shown the consumption of green tea can protect you from cognitive decline.

A 2022 meta-analysis shows that your risk of dementia is reduced by 6% for each cup of green tea you consume.

Another recent study found that drinking two to three cups of green tea a day had an implicit risk of cognitive fall – though the same effects were not observed after four cups or more.

Woman with madness making enigma
Other studies have shown that drinking green tea can maintain the risk of cancer and heart disease. Robert Kneschke –

Perhaps this is why green tea is regarded as one of the adult elderly reasons in Ikaria, a Greek island, have little or no dementia.

But the benefits of this herbal medicine do not stop at growing your brain.

Green teajaj is rich in antioxidants, especially catechins like epigallocatechin (EGCG)-which have anti-inflammatory and protective cell property, potentially reducing the risk of cancer and stroke.

Regularly consuming green tea has also been associated with improved heart hearth, including lower cholesterol levels and lower blood pressure, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke.

A 2023 study found that people who consumed between two and four glasses of green tea a day reduced their risk of stroke by up to 24%.

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