Fees can raise food prices already on-what should they reserve before they do, according to experts

There is no end in the eye to increase the cost of food.

At post -fundemic inflation heels, the price tags in the grocery store are expected to multiply again by President Donald Trump’s tariffs against Canada and Mexico to come into force.

Canada and Mexico are the two main suppliers of food and drink, according to Eatwell, and prices will really change soon after tariffs are implemented – not to mention the potential for supply chain disruptions while the question stands high.

Food items such as beef and seafood, cereals, legumes and map products will see price changes immediately as tariffs in Canada come into force.

As for Mexico, Americans can expect a rise in prices on a fruit and vegetable rope, including avocados, tomatoes, peppers, berries, cucumbers and greens, as well as sugar, products with orange juice and some cuts of meat.

Some people may ask if it’s time to book these foods.

According to experts, it is always a good idea to buy those you consume regularly for better prices – tariffs or without tariffs. But make sure you don’t get items you don’t use regularly so that it doesn’t go to loss.

Here are some legs that you need to be prepared to book before tariffs lead to price increases and how to store them properly:

Seafood and sea

When collecting meat and seafood, be sure to put it in hermetic food storage bags in the back of the refrigerator. Andov – Stock.adobe.com

According to the Department of Agriculture, more than half of the fresh red meat imported to the USA comes from Canada.

Canada also supplies poultry and prepared meat – including processed meat such as a smoked sausage and curated bacon – as well as seafood, especially shellfish.

When collecting meat and seafood, be sure to put it in hermetic food storage bags in the back of the refrigerator. This will last for three to six months.

Vacuum closed products and certain meat can last longer in the refrigerator.


Nuts can be stored in unopened product bags or in hermetic refrigerated bags in the refrigerator for up to one year. Gossip7 – Stock.adobe.com

While Vietnam is the largest nut exporter in America, Mexico enters no. 2, so price increases can still be expected.

Plus, when it comes to nuts on Earth, Mexico is the main export to the US, which can affect some gluten -free flour alternatives.

Nuts can be stored in unopened product bags or in hermetic refrigerated bags in the refrigerator for up to one year.


Canned braids can be stored in a cool and dry place up to two to five years Marina – Stock.adobe.com

Guatemala, Mexico, Peru and Canada are the largest suppliers of America, according to the Observatory of Economic Complexity – and since 2022, the US was no. 1 importer of legumes.

Canned legumes, such as beans and lentils, can be stored in a cool, dry place up to two to five years, like Pantry. Dried beans can also be stored in the pantry and will last for about one or two years.

Fruits and vegetables

Frozen fruits and vegetables are already frozen in flash to maximize freshness and store their nutrients. Kenon – Stock.adobe.com

Mexico is the largest fruit export to America. In 2023 alone, more than $ 11 billion of fruit were imported to the US from Mexico.

In terms of vegetables, both Canada and Mexico play a major role in exports – with a combined $ 14 billion in America.

But some products do not store them well in the refrigerator, especially vegetables, so it is best to buy frozen fruits and vegetables if you are going to book and buy.

Frozen fruits and vegetables are already frozen in flash to maximize freshness and store their nutrients.

#Fees #raise #food #prices #onwhat #reserve #experts
Image Source : nypost.com

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