It is a matter of no laughter.
A world-famous comedy club has stopped people with Botox-for a ridiculous reason.
The Top Secret Comedy Club in London Covent Garden has stopped the participants to sit down to enjoy the show if their faces are “frozen” by injections.
On March 5, the team began performing “Expression Test
“Tests” were implemented after comics complained constantly to see an audience of straight faces after showing their best jokes.
“Our highly talented comedies are saturated with faced performance without reaction,” owner Mark Rothman the Independent told.
“I have had a number of complaints from interpreters who see more and more challenging to appreciate the audience’s engagement and dance their reactions.”
Botox is the name of the most popular neurotoxin injection brand, which temporarily disrupts the nerves with the muscles, which prevents it from contracting, often reducing the intensity of facial expressions.
About a million Botox injections were given to the UK last year, Independent reported.
While this may have seen you younger, it will help you get into the Top Secret Comedy Club.
“Comedy blooms in connection, and facial expressions play a major role. We want people to laugh, weep, cloudy, humiliate, but Faces frozen by Botox affect the entire atmosphere, “Rothman said.
He is not wrong.
Research has shown that Botox injected on the forehead changed people’s brain chemistry, affecting the way they interpreted other people’s emotions.
“We hope to fabricate this prohibition will help move the need and return the facial reactions back to the room – for the benefit of our comedies and the audience,” Rothman said.
Andrew Mensah, a comedian who regularly performs at the scene, defended the decision.
“Performance in front of an audience with frozen faces can be extremely harsh,” he insisted.
“Comedy is a two -way road, we have fueled the energy and reactions of the crowd. Mark and the team should always have to support US comedians – this should be its best yet. “
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