Meta Mainains an internal list of “do not revivate” of former employees who are not welcomed again to the company – even with the recommendation of a Vice President, according to a report.
A former engineer who was among the 10,000 employees paved while trimming the 2022 company told Business Insider they were shocked to learn
With over four years in the company and a continuous evaluation of the “Excessive Expectations” performance, the engineer had even promoted in a high technical position last year.
Their contributions were recognized as “essential” by an old manager, and numerous employment managers had initially expressed interest in their relapse, according to the Business Insider report.
However, after presenting nearly 20 applications, a worrying model appeared.
Employment managers would begin conversations, but after the recruiter’s control phase arrived, the community suddenly ceased.
Looking for clarity, the engineer asked with an employment manager and learned that they were considered “unsuitable for again”.
“This was the first time I had a real indication that I was on a list,” the engineer told him anonymous while looking for commemoration in Meta, he told the news site.
Five former employees, including two business interiors led by managers that Meta holds internal lists that prevent some former employees regenerate.
While such lists are not illegal, employment experts suggest they are rare. Even high -performance employees can find themselves forbidden without a clear explanation.
Meta uses numerous tracking systems to implement these restrictions, including a “non -acceptable withdrawal” determination and a “non -re -” flag, according to the report.
Although no one has managed to confirm to see a comprehensive list, internal documents quoted by those who spoke about Business Insider suggest managers face systemic obstacles when attacking to reopen some individuals.
Since the massive technology industry vacations in 2022, companies have strengthened the performance standard while competing for high talent in it and other fields.
For those who hope to return, such restrictions create invisible obstacles in an already difficult job.
Some former employees shared similar experiences.
A former hardware engineer, who had also previously estimated that he had “exceeded expectations” during his time in Meta was encouraged to apply for a contract role with their previous team.
Initially, the staff agency was optimistic, but later, the answers returned unclear.
Eventually, the agency discovered that HR Meta had flags them as “unsuitable for being employed”, according to Business Insider.
Meta insists that these determinations are applied fairly.
“There are clear criteria for when someone is marked to reproduce again that have been applied to all outgoing employees,” a post -company spokesman told that controls and balances prevent the only managers from unilaterally stopping former workers.
Meta denies the claims that former employees in good condition have been banned from the second reset to the internal lists or manager’s discretion.
The company says the renewal of acceptance is determined at the time of departure based on such factors as violations of policies and metric performance.
Meta claims that clear criteria and controls and balances prevent each single manager to independently mark someone as inappropriate again.
#Meta #holds #secret #Dont #reopen #trust #listdespite #extraordinary #performance #reviews #Report
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