Exclusive | Men Peter Pan of New York City: they are fun, flirtatious – and have gone until morning

8:30 pm, and woke up in the chelsea apartment of my best friend on my phone buzzing with announcements.

I will only be 24 hours in my last New York Jaunt, and I already have three men hitting me for a date.

WHO Up to She?!

I have to start by stating: This is not normal for me. Was I moving crazy in app, trying to close some fun? No. I met them IRL (for boomers: in real life) one night in a bar called don’t worry.

Clearly, they didn’t consider – and I’m very much here for him. This Speakeasy, located in the heart of the village of West, was my first direct stop by a long flight to meet girlfriends for a long catch.

After columnist Jana Hcking discovered that NYC is loaded with men who refuse to grow. Not that it’s a completely bad thing, of course. Tamara beckwith

I was expecting the vain tales of our latest meetings and some laughter on the delicious Mac ‘N’ and Martinis cheese. What I didn’t expect was that myelf and three girls were surrounded by men at 10:00 am on a lit bar, perfect for those clumsy eyes, offering left, right and center drinks.

Now, let me be clear – I’m not supermodel. In fact, I’m not even in the 20s. So watching this everyone played did wonders for my self -esteem.

But what did I realize quickly over the next 10 days? New York men are absolutely the best to make you feel like the hottest living woman.

Just don’t expect them to stick around.

Yes, I had stuck in a city full of Peter Pans – men who refuse to grow. They will be charming, bold and confident. Unlike the reluctant, the boys “wait three days-days-text” in Sydney or London, these men will walk towards you in a bar, flash a staggering smile and even exchanged names.

Not in a glow, â € œhey, what are you drinking the lady?

New York men can make you feel like the hottest living woman, says Hacking. Tamara beckwith

The first guy I met was just sitting in the grass, and I wouldn’t lie – it was the beard that took me. Oh, how much I love a bearded man. I blame “Yellowstone.

As I was telling a friend, we closed our eyes and he called for me to come.

Bold. I loved it.

I retired for “OK, I was a martyr down, so my saunter could have been interpreted some ways – and we were out and shot. He bought me a Negro, he told me about his work, asked for mine, and within minutes, we were exchanging gloves on Instagram before pulling out a group of girlfriends.

Not to boast, but I put on the Aussie accent. And it worked.

These men will walk toward you in a bar, light a dizzying smile and block plans before exchange even names.

Before the night was over, I had also exchanged Glove Institute (new “Can I get your number?”) With the counter and a guy who, after a quick search on Google, discovered that there was a small part in the original Gossip Girl series.

Oh, New York, you Truly Bring a variety of men.

The next night, I was invited to a celebration of the release of Aussie Pub downtown, and I am ashamed to say that I lost a completely good New York night making it with an Aussie block.

But never felt – I did it later that week.

The guy “Gossip Girl” (or 3gs, as it will refer to now) sent me the next night, inviting me to Soho House. But my hanging from the pubic experience and Aussie was so brutal, I did not accept a completely good invitation.

Shame, Jana – Shame!

Hacking lost in a duet with entertainment options for a hangover, but she did it as soon as possible. Tamara beckwith

However, I really went on a fun date with the bearded man. We decided to try a cocktail in every bar we encountered in Noho – and he gave me his best sales step as to why he was a “brilliant guy” in the middle of showing me pictures of his phone dancing behind the DJ deck on several Hamptons holidays and sitting in a box in a basketball.

Ding a ling a ling!

What is that sound? Oh, just a Peter Pan’s alarm bells.

However, I didn’t mind because I was having a fun time. She ended up with some scary acts towards closing the night and a beautiful DM the next morning.

But a second date? please. This PP has a full mast and, of course, a complete list.

And then the firefighter came.

Yes, a current firefighter. As I walked through Soho, I noticed a classic fire station in New York and went to take a picture. Just as I raised my phone, it appeared, a very chisel, minced firefighter appeared, and I asked me, â € œ would you like you?

Um yes, sir.

Not only did he hit a position, but he then asked smoothly for my number and slipped into my texts a few minutes later with a soft accompanying message and a picture of himself-in the work.

I think it’s sure to assume that this wasn’t the first time he was used in that Picup line.

At this point, I began to think that New York may be the most fragile city on the planet.

Hey, why not? Hacking was open for fun – if not commitment – on a recent nyc excursion. Tamara beckwith

And I had the test already sitting in my past. If you read my previous column, you will remember Mr. Great – a charming New Yorker with a flowering voice and an even greater ego that pulled my feet the last time I was in the city.

Without giving his identity, he is a viral disappeared many times for appreciation in the podcast for what men seek in a partner, waving lyricism for romance and how men should properly judge a woman.

His faith was out of the tables and, oh, as I fell for him. His ability to support him? Good â € ¦

As I wrote in my previous part, my husband had intrigued me. He maintained contacts between my tips in New York, promising me full fantasy – a romantic week at his home Upsate, a decorated dinner, works.

And what did I get after arriving this time? With ghosts.

Yes, I got Young yorked by a very clearly masked Peter Pan. Oh, I walked straight to that trap.

But, you see, they are not all bad people. (Okay, Mr. Big was a little advertising – – k). They are just Peter Pans who have no interest in growing.

It makes sense when you think about it. New York is famous for attracting men who flourish in the emotion of tracking, whether in business or romance. And when it comes to meetings, why decide when there is a fresh rotation of women in every bar?

I noticed a classic fire station in New York and went to take a picture. Just as I raised my phone, a very chisel firefighter appeared, was upset and asked, ‘Want me to possess you?’

Men retreat to this city to make it big. They will be able to remove their working hours by making them money-and they are spending a good time passing it.

This theory was supported on Sunday as I was getting caught up with my girlfriends during lunch, presenting them in my treacherous week. They knew very well about these pans pans and shared their charming experiences that are fun but fast.

Now, not to boast, but my girlfriends are hot. They go to great great work, big faces and killer attitudes. In any other city, they will be caught in a heartbeat.

But in New York? Like most single women in their 30s, they are on the way of war, left with men who are Hunters who get bored after caught their prey.

I soon realized that my friends were right. Blocking on a first date? Easy. A second date? Well, where fun in this?

So would I recommend falling for New York Peter Pan? Absolutely not.

But would I recommend line a flirt with you in a bar, lead you to a whirlpool adventure, and leave you with a soft text to remember later?

One hundred percent.

Men retreat to this city to make it big, says Hocking. They will be able to remove their working hours by making them money-and they are spending a good time passing it. Jana Hacking/Instagram

Simply made you be doing it for the plot and not – doing it for the ring.â €

Fly free, Peter Pans, Fly FREE â € ¦

#Exclusive #Men #Peter #Pan #York #City #fun #flirtatious #morning
Image Source : nypost.com

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