Vegan kids seek friends of eating meat to eat forbidden foods, parents discover

Children whose families have implemented vegan diets in their homes are seen playing games with meat children so that they can try to do them cannot take home, according to a recent article during the day.

One mother told the publication that she is “crazy” seeing children with limited diets come to her home and “never stop eating” forbidden foods.

She said these children are interested in vegan food when they come to visit.

Kelly Springer, a mother and dietician registered in Scaneateles, New York, told Fox News Digital that a child between the ages of 4 and 8 needs about 19 grams of protein a day

Depending on the children’s agent and how active they are, “they may even need more protein,” she said.

Kelly Springer, a mother and dietician registered in Scaneateles, New York, said children are interested in vegan food when they come to visit. Oksana Kuzmina –

“And the reason that it is important to have these conversations is that animal protein contains all nine essential amino acids, which means it is a full protein.”

The problem with plant protein, Springer said, is that “most plant proteins are not complete on their own. So it must be paired together.”

Courtney Cantrell, a Boca Raton, Florida, a psychologist who specializes in children’s and adolescent therapy, told Fox News Digital that restricting a certain food “Does Summer become so desirable” as a child may be inclined to see

“Most plant proteins are not complete on their own. So, it has to be paired together, ”Springer said. Arnãâ © Ll KOEGELENBERG/ –

“Can there be a greater level of tendency to want to consume it because their peers are doing so? Absolutely,” Cantrell said.

Another reason children in vegan diets may want to steal meat is because they lack the right food, Springer said.

A child in a real vegan diet, said Springer, “may be missing in some vitamins and minerals, because the animal will give us zinc, vitamin B-12, calcium and, potentially, vitamin D.”

According to psychologist Courtney Cantrell, the restriction of a certain food makes children ask for more. Angelov –

These nutrients are “very important” for the immune system, Springer said.

“Disadvantages – or some deficiencies – are very, very likely a vegan diet,” she added.

‘Many Disinformata’

Lauren Manaker, a mother and dietician registered in Charleston, South Carolina, said she does not believe children who are stealing meat in their diets are doing so because of any nutritional deficiencies.

Manaker told Fox News Digital there “can certainly have some advantages” for children on vegan diets, with some warnings.

“If a child is eating a vegan diet, but they are eating many of the plants -based options that are ultra processed, they may not reap the same benefits as children [who is] Eating minimal processed foods without meat, ”said Manaker.

Food may not be the reason a child requires meat. Allistair F/ –

If she were to encounter a similar situation in her home with one of the friends of her children who wants Fish, Springer said she would like to be able to “secure her”, especially if she is part of our dinner. “

But, Springer said, she would also like to know if there was a certain religious reason that the child was not allowed to meat.

“I think there is a lot of misinformation there for animal protein,” Springer said.

She believes it is important to educate parents about these misunderstandings.

“I think the disinformation comes in the path of led to heart disease and other diseases, cancers and such things,” Springer said.

“Yes, we have some deli meat and, potentially, peppers that have nitrates that can be potentially carcinogenic. But we also have extremely useful proteins like eggs and lean chicken that are helping to health our body and give us what we need.”

Manaker added, “Children can follow a vegan diet safely” as long as parents are aware that there may be “some nutritional gaps” that can be corrected with “proper supplement”.

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