Dear Abby: I’ve been seeing a hate list for a decade. Over the past two years, I do not feel that I have the service.
I come in for a decoration around every two months. She is extremely busy and sometimes delegates “green” hairstylists to wash and dry my hair.
I appreciate that it gives them a new chance of hairstylers to get experience, but the last time two different people work on my hair besides it, and it took an hour and a half for a simply decoration.
Moreover, it uploaded me $ 10. I like to advise everyone properly (some time for collaborators, with 20% going to her).
Sometimes, it is a little late for meetings. The last time I searched for another hairstyle, she gave a reaction because “I wouldn’t take care of it.”
I’m about to pass to someone young and a new hairstyle. What is the right way to share with your hairstyle?
I would like to do it in person, but it could be difficult and it could be angry. Should I give an additional advice? – Hair Situation in California
Dear Hair Situation: You are not the friend of this stylist; You are her client. You have every right to change stylists and you should not feel guilty of such action.
If you think you should give her a reason tell her the truth on the phone or in person.
You are within your rights to make a difference if you want. It should not create bad feelings and you should not give it a fair advice.
Dear Abby: I am a single parent, and my children’s grandfather (my father -in -law) offered to look at them in his home once a week.
I would like to get it because it would help me continue with all my responsibilities. But I hesitate because he was not an involved father, so he has no parenting experience.
For example, he struggles with conflict management between children (and his temperature).
He does not make sense: I do not believe he knows what or when he feeds children. Also, his home is a complete mess – he never throws anything away.
My children enjoy spending time with her, and we don’t have many families, so I would like to foster their relationships.
How can I maximize good and minimize the evil of their visits? How can I support it by doing the best of my children without overloading? – Mom with help
Dear Mom: Some of the issues you raise can be resolved simply by talking to your father -in -law and telling him how you choose conflicts between children, what you want to feed and when.
A messy home is different from what can have a negative impact on their health. How bad is it?
Does the country present a risk to your children? Is it possible for him to be able to babys in your home than his?
As for his temperament, Hawver, are you absolutely sure he would abuse your children if he loses it? If the answer to this question is no, then the grandfather cannot be allowed.
Dear Abby was written by Abigail Van Buren, also known as Jeanne Phillips, and was founded by her mother, Pauline Phillips. Contact Dear Abby on or Yes Box 69440, Los Angeles, Ca 90069.
#Dear #Abby #long #hair #model #service #continues #deteriorate #throw
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