Are you dehydrated? Signs you need more water and 5 tips to help you remember to drink

If you are someone who tends to forget to hydrate all day – don’t worry, you are not alone.

Research shows that 75% of Americans usually drink only 2.5 cups a day, when the recommended amount is 15.5 cups for men and 11.5 cups for women.

And you may not even understand you are parked. While thirsty feeling is the most obvious symptom of dehydration, some other signs include dark -colored urine, rare peeing, dry skin/mouth, fatigue, dizziness and headaches.

Research shows that 75% of Americans are dehydrated, usually only drank 2.5 cups a day. Goffkein –

Severe dehydration can be dangerous or even fatal, and symptoms include speed heartbeats, round scratches, irritability and dimming.

Fortunately, Benjamin Nevara, a personal certified coach and owner of IE Health, spoke in the post how to make sure you are getting enough consumption and shares his main tips to remember to hydrate.

Nevaras recommend setting a timer to help you get your water hour intake. Praewphan –

Put a timer

Your phone is not just there to save your foo – can help you quench your proper thirst.

“Use the timer on your phone,” Nevares said. “Once an hour make sure you get a certain number of water oncas.”

So a check of self control

Believe it or not, “humor is directly affected by hydration,” he said. “So if you start to feel more bored, it’s a good idea to drink water.”

Do you think you are feeling upset because your print has not yet responded to your text? Try drinking a glass of water about it.

“Humor is directly affected by hydration. So if you start to feel more bored, it’s a good idea to drink water. “ Nutlegal –

Keep the water in the simple picture

You know the saying – out of attention, out of the mind.

That is why Nevare believes that you should “always hold water or an electrolyte drink, on your table, in the car; It is a reminder to make sure you are moisturizing and always seeing it around it helps. “

Move your body

“Odudesically, the movements seem to remind people to drink something,” he said, that’s why he recommends going for a walk to give your body a chance to tell you tell you to tell you tell you tell you tell you to tell you to hydrate.

If you work from home, he emphasized that you have to get up from the table periodically, “so” make a routine to drink something when you do it. “

After all, drinking enough water throughout the day is much like brushing your teeth.

But if all this feels like much to keep in mind, Holistic Nutritionist Kayla Varney shared a tiktok video in which she discovered her hack change hack: drinking a full water jar every day.

She said she felt a noticeable change when she neglected her am, including a headache and acne.

#dehydrated #Signs #water #tips #remember #drink
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