I’m aging 10 times faster than normal due to a rare illness – but aging is a privilege

A woman living with a million one million disease, who makes her age 10 times faster than the average person says aging is a “privilege”.

Tiffany Wedekind, 47, was diagnosed only with Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome at 31.

She had already opposed the chances as the syndrome kills most people in their teens.

Tiffany Wedekind, 47, had already opposed the chances of Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome when she was diagnosed at the age of 31, a condition that kills most people in their teens. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

Over time Tiffany has gradually lost all its natural hair and teeth and has aortic stenosis and will eventually need a replaced aortic valve.

But she says she has not stopped her live life – she got a divorce, started her businesses and does not go to good health.

Tiffany, who has her studio of artists and candles company, from Columbus, Ohio, SH.BA, said: “My mortality is on my face every day.


“But I forgot half the time.

“I lived some longevity in a life that was not expected for me.

“I know life can end like that.

“I lived some longevity in a life that was not expected for me,” Wedekind said. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

“You don’t have to be afraid of her [death].

“We are all in the same boat.

“I am not afraid to show myelph and toothless.

“You don’t have to be afraid of her [death]”Said Wedekind. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

“People have to see that I am the one I am in essence. It doesn’t matter I have no hair.

“I am the one I am despite the fact that I am leaving.”

Tiffany and her brother, Adad, 39, both were born with the condition, but just started doing something was wrong when each hit puberty.

Tiffany and her brother, Adad, began to become aware of their common state when they hit puberty. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

She was a “hyper child” that linked all sports and activities as a child.

They began to notice that their facial feelings were changing – Tiffany’s teeth were rotting and her hair was raging from the 20s.

The disease is also characterized by their small stature with Tiffany standing in only 4 feet-4 inch.

Tiffany’s decay teeth, hair thinning and little stature told about the disease. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

Tiffany said: “By raising my teeth – I always had problems with my teeth.

“I’ve gone through a lot of trauma.

“It was physically difficult to eat occasionally.”

Chad, Tiffany and her mother discovered that everyone had a 2008 mutation gene which causes Progeria after Adad underwent open heart surgery.

He unfortunately passed away in 2011 from sepsis and a heart attack and Tiffany recently lost her mother Linda, 75, in September 2024.

Tiffany said: “When we discovered what we got I thought ‘good this is crazy’.

“They said” you have made it away – you have exceeded longevity. “

“How my brother died was so traumatic.

“I put myself there. Life passes so fast.

“I put myself there. Life passes so fast, ”Wedekind said after her brother’s death. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

“This didn’t start until my brother died.”

Tiffany decided to put the first and ended her eighth year marriage, quit her job and started her business.

She now spends her days focusing on her – making daily yoga and eating well.

Wedekind practices yoga. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

Tiffany said: “I’ve forgotten half the time I have Proger.

“I’m busy living my life.

“People do not understand that our bodies are cars we have to care for.

Wedekind left her job and started her business. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

“I see people who destroy their destruction.”

Tiffany is passionate about healthy lifestyle and does not smoke – and only has the casual cocktail.

She hopes to continue to grow her businesses and travel in the near future.

However, she will eventually need a replaced aortic valve which she is terrified away.

Wedekind only occasionally drinks and is dedicated to healthy living. Tiffany WEDEKIND / SAWNS

Tiffany said: “I am living my life in a good positive space.

“I’m a dreamer.

“I want to stop people who focus on the fact that we are taking and see it as a privilege.

“People will complain about the old, having wrinkles. It will not matter.

“I want to focus on living my life.

“I’m so unique.

“I’m like a fish trying to go out in the dark constantly.

“I’m 4ft, barely 56 bs but I’m an electric power plant.”

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Image Source : nypost.com

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