Sarah Jessica Parker’s iconic wedding dress from ‘sex and the city’ Film found in the thrift store for $ 19

And just like that €

Fans of HBO Sitcom Sitcom â œsex and Cityâ € were shocked when a Agoikago -based Flipper found Carrie Bradshaw Wang’s iconic wedding dress in a good will store for nearly $ 18.99.

Ashley Cano, a Poshmark seller, was shopping at the thrift store when she found the character of Jessica Parker’s dress during the first exclusivity film based on the TV hit series.

The 2008 film dress features a white body with no layers of soft fabric similar to feathers flowing over the ground.

â € œveva Freaking Wang, Can € Cano said in a tick -Video showing the outfit. “I can’t believe I found this dress in goodwill for 18,99.â €

In the film, Bradshaw wore the stylist’s part for a Vogue photosynthesis that would be paired with a story to be a 40-year-old bride.

The Tiktok video quickly went viral, and her comment section was filled with other “Satc” fans begging to buy the dress, as others Guuuated could be sold for thousands of dollars.

“This is like $ 4,000! Beautiful finding !!!, â € a tiktok user commented.

An iconic wedding dress from the first movie Presex and the city was found in a wonderful store for $ 19.
New Line Cinema / HBO
Vera Wang dress has a body with a strap with soft fault -like feathers on the ground. New Line Cinema / HBO
Ironically, the wonderful flipper plans to sell the dress and use profits to pay for her divorce. @aileenscloset90/tiktok

One social media user even suggested that Cano kept her herself, but the small business owner closed that idea.

â € No diet could have never made me working, Can € cano withdrew.

Cano did not list the article for sale in her online store alone and admitted that she will not be sure how to sell an item like this.

The dress was discovered in goodwill. @aileenscloset90/tiktok

The thrifter asked for suggestions on how she should sell the wedding dress that ironically, she plans to use profits to help pay for her divorce.

“The Low Keyeel was pointing out about my lawyer’s bills for my divorce, Can € Cano wrote in her commentary section.” I need a blessing. He does not think he would come on the way of a wedding dress, but I am not complaining.â €

The television series, based on the Candace Bushnellâ € âsex column and the city published in New York Observer, took place from 1998 to 2004.

Two films were made before most of the cast returned to Spinoff – and just like the one who is expected to bring out his third season later this year.

#Sarah #Jessica #Parkers #iconic #wedding #dress #sex #city #Film #thrift #store
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