When the dermatologist Dr. Nicholas Perricone revealed a diet he promised to act as a “three-day nutrient Facelift” in his best-selling book, “Cure of Wrinkles”, he had his right part of skepticism.
Famous journalist Diane Sawyer told her she believed that “his claims were overestimated and that she planned to challenge [him]”Perricone recalls in his new book,” The Molecule of Beauty, “second on April 15.
But when Sawyer and Oprah Winfrey tested the nutritional face, they “could not believe their eyes when the effects of the anti-inflammatory diet are proven after only three days.”
Soon, many others were blown up by the younger they came – and how much energy was felt – after following the meal plan for just 72 hours.
“I designed this 3-day diet to reduce puffiness, improve the contours and sign the jaw and the inclusion of salmon twice days will leave your skin stronger and more radiant,” Perricone Post told.
Salmon is an essential component of this diet. “You need to eat salmon at least twice a day for the ideal effect,” he wrote, vowing to “change your skin, making it stronger and more delightful.”
This is because salmon provides good quality soluble protein, easy to turn into amino acids “needed to repair the body at a cellular level.”
While it may sound a counterinTurative, perricone claims a “severe carbohydrate and protein light dies from loss of contours in the required face-to-face view of a well-defined jaw, cheeks and eyes”.
Salmon is also an excellent source of Omega-3 EPA fatty acids and DHAs which can help the brain, heart, metabolism, mood and your skin.
In addition to salmon, “three-day food facelift” focuses on salads, berries and dark greens, with leaves such as spinach, augula and kale.
Berries are full of antioxidants anti-inflammatory that help neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress and protect against cell damage. They are also a good source of vitamin C, which helps produce collagen.
Dark, leafy greens contain chlorophylls, which can help reduce redness and inflammation, as well as the right acne and eczema.
They are also rich in vitamin E, which can reduce the effect of sun damage, beta-carotene, which reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles finally.
Finally, the Perricone diet requires at least six glasses of water a day. It advises to drink two eight-ion cans of hydrogen water water that have improved with molecular hydrogen gas (H2)-every morning.
Some of its other tips always include eating protein first “as it helps to slow down carbohydrate absorption, which results in controlling insulin and glucose levels”.
But most importantly? “Follow this diet on paper,” he said.
2-egg omelet or grilled salmon, roasted or baked
Slice 2-inch of Cantaloupe or ¹ ∕³ Cup fresh berries
6 to 8 ounce spring water
Without juice, coffee or toast
If you normally have coffee to start your day, drink black or green tea to prevent caffeine from attracting.
4 to 6 ounce of grilled, roasted or chopped bird
2 glasses of green salad, made of roma lettuce and other dark greens, with leaves like spinach, augula and kale. Top with 3 tablespoons of cooked chickpeas. (Canned chickpeas are finally as long as you drain them.)
Wearing extra virgin olive oil, with lemon with fresh layers to taste
1 apple or 1 pear or slice 2-inch Cantaloupe or ¹ ∕³ Cup berries and 6 to 8 ounces of spring water
4 to 6 breeze cooked ounces – grilled, roasted or chopped – salmon in 1 cup of warm lentils
Green salad (as described above)
½ cup steamed vegetables, especially asparagus, broccoli and spinach
Kantaloupe with 2-inch slice
6 to 8 ounce spring water
If you follow this diet for three days on paper, be ready for a big improvement in the way you look and feel.
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Image Source : nypost.com