Last week, I found myelf in a very horny situation doing it.
In fact, she knocked down the script for me when it comes to meetings.
Have you ever seen a bar on a hot guy and thought, “Lord, I would like to go out with that man”? (I just gave you the pg version of what we are Truly Thinking.) Sometimes, we call the courage to light the falls and hope for the best, but – the first movement.
It was so much that I was on the night of the opening of a decorated New York grass last Friday – more precisely, an Aussie pubic called Old Mateâ in Lower Manhattan.
So I pops, hoping to find a sexy brother Hemsworth, a Hugh Jackman, or heck, even a Russell Crowe for the night. . Just get hot under the collar.)
So, it happens, I met a wild number of Aussie hot boys, all filled in a pub which exceeded my expectations. It was a clumsy steakhouse with over-the-top aussie preposition. Instead, it offered the red wines at the end, view of the port bridge and brooklyn, and a sound sound of Hitsin.
But, most importantly, she was serving great men, Alpha, Aussie.
When I noticed a boy dressed in a wild Australian flag oneie, I made a couple. He came a little absurd but, reader, he was so hot. Long, with wide shoulders, soft blue eyes and a rage that lit the room.
He was giving vibes player € alley € vibes. And, oh god – I was fixed.
Normally, I would admire it from afar. But that night I was feeling bold and it was time to look at the ridiculous book of the rules of the meeting.
With all the courage I could gather, I accidentally climbed to him, bowed and handed over the unofficial call of Aussie Matting: â € œaussie, Aussie, Aussie!
Before I could assume it myself, he left with a cordial, â € investigi, oi, oi!
Yes, worthy-worth of di-u-but she did her job, breaking the ice. At that moment, I changed every outdated rule by dictating that women should always wait for the man to make the first move.
Tiktok, podcasts and gurus dating everyone cheers that if we just do in our femininity, “Don our most cut outfits, refrain from using madness and laughing at his corn jokes, we will have more luck to grab a man.
Well, for that I say: Bering. Snoring and Why?
Plus, it just doesn’t work. The number of times that I have left a bar thinking of all the lost opportunities because I had to “in my femininity I could even bring the health woman to the wall.
So, that night, I decided to throw that tired scenario immediately out of the window and just go for it.
One cheeky line led to another, and before I knew it, we were like Donkey Kong! We spend the rest of the night taste testing wines and flirting in every three-storey pub corner. We left as well as both groups of our friends left us.
It was not until the bartender called the “last drink” we decided to “and our flirtation” and our flirting was too far.
We jumped in a taxi and made the way beyond the city in the nearest diving bar to keep good vibrations going – and they did, dear readers, they did.
Until the next morning. Stand out, stand out.
It was one of those nights that reaffirmed my faith: sometimes, some strange, distant entertainment is exactly what you need to restore your meeting.
Someone asked me a question lately as I was arguing if I were going to write a guy I liked, “Can you take care of your 80-year-old yourself if you sent that text or not? T.
In fact, she will probably be pretty deceived by my bravery. Even if he did not return to the text, in the long run, who cares? My 80-year-old himself would certainly worry.
So why are we a little bolder with our meeting movements?
Now I will decide to make that modus operandi to put aside the company “Be, Tridwife Tick -Tickers -€” not disappear!
In my world, courage is not only welcome, it is celebrated. Whenever I take the initiative, I met with a choir of supporting cheers from my just as rebellious friends, and I will be honest:
They know that in a culture still caught in Misogyny and the scripts of outdated meetings, these small things of opposition are simply liberating “those who are (kind of annoyance) revolutionary.
There will be a noticeable change these days -an increase in the bravery of Misogynia -while women throughout the table choose to possess their desires, to flirt wildly and to rewrite the narrative. We will exchange shy glances for bold statements, replacing girls’ girls “with women who know exactly what they want and are not afraid to go after it.
Not to sound basic, but Samantha from “sex and city” was really something.

So this is not just a single escape; It’s a move. A cheeky revolution, a bold intake line at a time.
And I have to say: my friends and, honestly, the current cultural climate of wholeheartedly struck women.
Here is to tighten the status quo, mixing a dash of pop culture with a non -mummy romance and proving that sometimes, the best way to get rid is simply to say, â € œoi, oi, oi!
#Exclusive #flip #meeting #scenario #biggest #pickup #line #descend #hot #Aussie #boyand #worked
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