I am a mother of two little children – I hate it when other parents give me this terrible advice

I am the parent of two children under three, and it is a hard bloody job.

Don’t go wrong, I love my boys with the fire of a burning sun.

But I am deep in the parents ‘parents’ trains, and this is draining my life.

I thought it was generally accepted that this was, objectively, the most difficult part of parenting. But I was told I’m wrong.

“Just done differently”

Barely concrete exhaustion, tantrums, inability to negotiate with two small (but delightful) emotional terrorists, who insist on carrying an entre of blueberries, inserting them across the floor, walking in them, and then crying because they will eat smooshed-up, the boron violated.

A mother of two shared the most annoying thing that other parents tell her about her parents. Prostock studio-stock.adobe.com

But lately a friend with older children told me that “parenting does not become easy, it just becomes different.”

Now, I am sure that parents of parents’ school age come with challenges. Parents’ teens are without a doubt complex.

But the parents of parents and toddlers are complete, without stop, sleepless, anxiety, back-back-back-marrat-with-no-non-deretion items.

Parenting young children means losing yourself and your body and, honestly, your mind.

So I don’t admit that parents stand THIS hard in eternity.

I just don’t.

“Good old days”

I think when my friend with good sense said things became â € € € differential, but not easier, -yo really meant saying â € œ I have deliberately blocked all memories of nights when u I woke up literally 13 times in tents for the needs of an eight-month-old tooth without the ability to self-excite, no meaning of English and without purpose to sleep again.â €

And that has no shade on it!

From an evolutionary point of view, it is important that we, as a species, immediately forgot how difficult it is to have and raise humanity very small so that one day we can decide to have more.

I am, for her sake, happy that she has forgotten how difficult she is, because trauma lives very alive in my mind.

I don’t deceive it that happy ignorance.

I somehow make my colleague, who, after hearing about this story, insisted that my friend be accurate and referred to having young children as “good old days”.

Caucasian blonde woman with jeans sitting in the carpet, breastfeeding her baby in a bright, Scandinavian style room
Parents of elderly children will often say that parents do not become easy – simply “becomes different”. Ksenia – stock.adobe.com

Good old days?

Good old days?

I was set up at 4:20 am, this morning wiping out, wiping the poo from folding my small fatty legs ???

I took a shower and still went to work by smelling poorly, but clearly it will be?

Are we really calling these old days? “

Am I Punk’d?

I do you want to go to the experience of fighting through parenting, but I think the common sense should come to a point.

As an example: When I get my voice to break up with my best friend and her eager daughter, my varied sounds cry, fight with each other, fall down, stain croissant with chocolate all over and I did not dare to wear white for three years and counting), practice their lion in innocent passers -by, have an accident that requires a change of pants, thanks for the question) and vomiting.

My friend with Eight-year-old is polytely observing, eating her meal and telling me about her new class teacher.

Is it really expected to claim that these two things are the same?

Am I punk – d?

Honestly, next time with older kids she tells me that she will easier, you will ask them how many hours a night they are sleeping.

If they do not know immediately the answer I will know they will be full of shit because the parents in my The parenting phase takes into account every precious minute.

When they finally tell me – maybe something that melts like “the great hour of uninterrupted happiness, thanks” I doubt that I will be able to help myself.

“Huh. This actually sounds much easier, I’ll say, and guess what?

I will be right.

#mother #children #hate #parents #give #terrible #advice
Image Source : nypost.com

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