Eating this fruit can attract muscle health to the genetic level ‘: researchers

Here’s how to grow old as a summer finally.

Everyone loses muscle mass as they grow old. Sarcopenia is a significant loss of muscle mass and strength, which increases the risk of falling, hospitalization, less independence and premature death.

Researchers from Rutgers and other universities may have found a simple and delicious approach to maintain muscles along with high protein diet exercises and networks.

Grapes are a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, with possible health benefits for the heart, kidneys, eyes, skin and gastrointestinal system. Siphostu Fanti/ –

“This study offers compelling evidence that grapes have the potential to increase muscle health at the genetic level,” said John Meshuto, a senior investigator of the new study and dean of pharmacy and health sciences at the Western University of New England.

“Given their security profile and widespread availability, it will be exciting to research how quickly these changes can be observed in human evidence,” he added.

This graph shows how the study worked and how the results changed between male and female mice.
This graph shows how the study worked and how the results changed between male and female mice. Mdpi

SH.BA consumes billions of pounds of grapes per year. Sweet fruit is a good source of fiber, vitamins, minerals and phytochemicals, with potential health benefits for the heart, kidneys, eyes, skin and gastrointestinal system.

The authors of the new study found that consuming the equivalent of the two grape services a day changed over 20,000 genes in elderly mice, significantly affecting how their muscles generate energy to function.

The genes associated with the mass of the lean muscles rose, while the genes associated with muscle detection were suppressed. Female rats saw greater benefits than male rats, according to the study.

Mice consumed 5% grape powder, which is about 1.5 cups of fresh grapes for humans.

Research – published last week in the Foods scientific journal – partially supported by the California grape grape commission, a commercial group.

The Pezzuto team plans to study how and why these genetic changes occur and whether they can be repeated in humanity.

Meanwhile, other foods that can help build and maintain muscle include lean meat, fish, eggs, Greek yogurt, quinoa, beans and milk.

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