‘Girlhood Fomo’: Lonely Phenomenon of Strong Women in their 30s

Eliza Becker, a 27-year-old from Wolongong, recently shared a video on social media discussing what she refers to as “Girlhood Fomo”-the loss of nearby female friendship groups often portrayed in the media.

Although she posted the clip at a moment of vulnerability, hoping to connect with others who might feel the same way, she withdrew from the overwhelming response from thousands of women her experience resonated with her.

This indicates that she is not alone, with the sad phenomenon by crushing women in their 30s.

“It was a Friday night, and I had just finished a week really busy at work. I felt proud of what I had done and wanted to see some friends, drink a drink and let go,” she said News.com.au.

Eliza Becker posted on social media about “Girlhood Fomo”-the loss of nearby female friendship groups often portrayed in the media. Eliza Becker/Tiktok

“I sent some friends, but they were all busy, and my partner was out, which left me a little discouraged.

“I often feel this way, and he has heard me do a lot of things myself – with which I am perfectly – but it’s just cases like this you would appreciate the company.”

The illusion of the essential group of friends

Friendship in the 20s and 30s does not always reflect the cast friends Or on Instagram highlights your colleagues’ weekend return wraps, which can let many women feel like they are not “doing” their right.

“I think like girls, we are often made to believe we need a group,” Mrs. Says Becker. “We are constantly told about the importance of” maiden “and have a strong circle of friends to talk through issues of life and relationships with.”

Young women are discovering that friendships are not always like the show friends. Nbcuniversal your images getty

“The media plays a role in this, but I think we often misinterpret the message. They show the best parts – holidays, brunches, fun times and purchases – but the reality is that there will be arguments, jealousy and bitterness in situations. Not all sunlight and rainbow are.

“So while sometimes I feel like I miss these connections and memories, I have to ask if it’s something I need for the brain, or if it’s predicted by others.”

Mrs. Becker described herself as a “floating” in high school, as she milk with everyone, but never fit enough in a particular group.

“The media plays a role in this, but I think we often misinterpret the message,” Becker says about how online posts only show good moment among friends. Nbcuniversal your images getty

Now, she has a small part of the close friends she has met through shared interests such as sports and travel, instead of being part of a singular “gang”.

In general, she said she is happy with this, but cannot shake the feeling that she is missing in something.

Why is it so difficult to make friends in your 20s?

Rachel Harker, a clinical psychologist and founder of the friendly and meeting application soon, started, tribal, say that this feeling is very common among women navigating the age of supervision.

According to the Rachel Harker clinical psychologist, this phenomenon is common for women who navigate adulthood. Monkey’s business – Stock.adobe.com

“Life transitions, such as career changes, relationships and moving cities, can disrupt traditional friendship structures, leaving many felt detached and isolated people,” Mrs. Explained arcker.

“Unlike classic Fomo, which is about losing events, girlfriend Fomo goes deeper, and social media plays a role in this.”

Curated foods of girls’ advice, lunch dates or group selfies can intensify feelings of exclusion and loneliness, causing the feeling of being out or missing, she said.

She also mentioned that length is not just an emotional challenge but also a health crisis.

“Young adults are among the most affected, with research showing that chronic loneliness is as harmful as smoking 15 cigarettes a day,” Mrs. Stated arcker.

In 2023, the World Health Organization declared loneliness a pressing threat of global health, similar to smoking, and said that pandemia only exacerbated the issue.

“Life transitions, such as career changes, relationships and moving cities, can disrupt traditional friendship structures, leaving many people feel detached and isolated,” said Harker. Xavier Lorenzo – Stock.adobe.com

Statistically, young adults are the ones most affected by the length.

According to the Bureau of Australian statistics, one in four people aged 15-24 reported to feel lonely in 2022, compared to less than one in five among those over 35.

Finding the connection at adulthood

“I think the issue of fighting to make friends is a global phenomenon,” Mrs. Becker reflected. “I’ve lived in London, and it was similar – everyone has a set group, and many don’t feel the need to introduce a newcomers or have the same desire to meet new people.

“A large part of it descends into humility. Simply a friend to invite a new person to dinner, go for a walk, and include them in their activities for a new friendship or connection to form . “

She believes that if people would only have a little more meaning of this issue and would be more open to make the first move without working to dismiss, it would be “too” easy to make new friends .

Becker, who described him as a “floating” in high school, said: “It only needs a friend to invite a new person to dinner, go for a walk and include their activities for a friendship or connection new to formation. ” Eliza Becker/Tiktok

“I also think it is more difficult for authentic people, in the knee to find their place, as many around us are just going with flowers that may not be fully connected to them personally.”

Mrs. Becker admits that she is still drawn to understand how her future friendships and social life wants to look like, but she knows what she wants in friends – and it’s not just a great group for the sake of size and comfort .

“I want connection with my people – those who are easy to be around, trolle care and are authentic,” she concludes.

For anyone who experiences Fom Girlhood, it offers a tip – enjoy your company first and always fill your cup before filling others.

“Someone commented on the video,” Rejection is protection. Enjoy loneliness’ – I liked it. “

#Girlhood #Fomo #Lonely #Phenomenon #Strong #Women #30s
Image Source : nypost.com

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