Exclusive | This is the restaurant with higher values, with famous ownership in the SH.BA

It gives food a good name.

Kitchen Jon Bon Bon Jovi JBJ Soul is leading tables like no. Restaurant with famous value with 1 rating at SH.BA, found a new study.

The Red Chain Bank, Nj, Eatery marked large with 93.3% five -star ratings, according to a study by Case.GG, which came to Tripadvisor and Google Total and with five -star reviews to subtract its list.

Jon JBJ JBJ Soul Kitchen in Red Bank, Nj, was ranked at no. 1 restaurant with celebrities with the highest value in the country. Donna Grace/NY Post Design

The non-profit restaurant-which the singer “Medicine Bad” opened in 2011 with his wife, Dorothea-offs without prizes on his menu, rather suggests a donation.

“Good food, friendly service, created to help them in food insecurity. What could be a more significant way to spend an evening? “Wrote a Tripadvisor reviewer.

JBJ is widely greeted for his food, hospitality and commitment to give them less luck.

Dinner can also pay him forward in his four places – including Thoms River and two on College campuses in Rutgers and New Jersey City University – costing the cost to those who cannot afford their meal.

Those who cannot pay-officate include a three-curve meal-have not left, and can volunteer at the Jersey Shore restaurant, entering tasks such as washing dishes.

JBJ Soul has no prices on his menu, and dinners can pay for food for customers who cannot afford them. Kitchen/ Instagram JBJ Soul/ Instagram

Audrey’s Cafe House & Lounge sat in second place, with 80.1% five -star ratings.

The store of Kingstown, Ri, Ri, is owned by the aluminum of “Bachelor” exclusivity married Ashley Laconetti and Jared Haibon.

Haibon reads every single summary that Audrey receives.

Ashley Laconetti and Jared Haibon pay homage to the “Bachelor” exclusivity at Audrey’s Cafe House & Lounge. Audrey’s Cafe House & Lounge/ Instagram

“They love our environment. They love that it is very comfortable and comforting here and a welcoming environment, ”he told the post.

“And they always believe our staff to be good. I think they definitely enjoy that there is care and love in this country.”

The best Audrey’s Bestseling drinks are specialty latte of their signature, including white chocolate with bachelor theme and raspberry “rose ceremony”.

S&P Lunch, partly owned by “Success” actor Nicholas Braun, is at the former location of Eisenberg’s sandwich store. Lunch S & P/ Instagram

Laconetti and Haibo, who met in “Bachelor in Paradise”, also await the “Bachelor” viewing holidays there.

“When Ashley and I have time, because we want to make sure we both are here to make it more special, like,” Come watch “Bachelor” with two people in ‘The Bachelor’, ‘”He said.

“I am here all the time, so if people enter who are worshipers of the show, they see me.”

Ralph Lauren Step Polo Bar in 2015. James Messerschmidt

Related to the third are the S&P lunch on Avenue Fifth in the Flation district, partly owned by the “success” actor Nicholas Braun, and Nic & Norman’s in the Senate, GA. Creator Greg nicero.

Steak Steakhouse RPM Steak, supported by the host of TV Giuliana Ranic and her husband Bill, who was famous as the first winner of “The Apprentice”, took fourth place.

Ryan Gosling’s Morocco of Hideway Tagine Beverly Hills, which he owns with chef benameu – and where famous faces like Meryl Streep, Jim Carrey, Selma Hayek and Richard Gere have dinner – came to fifth place.

Three other Manhattan wanders made the top 10: Hotspot Swanky Midtown the Polo Bar, owned by celebrated stylist Ralph Lauren came to seventh place; Bar Mermaid Oyster Bar on Macdougal Street in Greenwich Village, owned by “scrubs” actor Zach Braff followed in eighth place; And one of the rolling places of the Ping Pong Bari chain, on the 23rd East Street in Flarat, owned by Susan Sarandon, landed at 10.

#Exclusive #restaurant #higher #values #famous #ownership #SH.BA
Image Source : nypost.com

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