I am the man most similar to the hinge-but I don’t go on many dates for a sad reason

He has 99 matches – but a date is not one.

Proven that meeting applications are not a safe recipe for romance, self-proclaimed “the most similar man” claims he has failed to lower a date-all his matches are supposedly after money.

“I wish someone appears to want to meet me for the right reasons,” Alex Puxley of the UK, 32, told South West news service while describing a digital gold excavation tendency.

Since joining with Jan. 25, barely a month of action, Virtual Romeo claimed that he has accumulated a 3,000 enviable likes and 1,500 matches on his site, where he often puts on photos with his arm – a pet carin by the name of Raffy.

“I just want to talk to someone who wants a relationship and a family,” said Lovelorn Alex Puxley. Alex Puxley / sins

The very tattooed technology consultant often receives up to 40 incentives from interesting women each day, he said.

No one has officially verified that he is the user of “most liked” but Puxley primed and PUMPED believes he should be because he compared length with all his friends and claimed that no one had nowhere ” Many.

“Most of my friends are in shock and laugh as I had,” I boast of the serial match.

Camera-Puxley again is shown with his pet Raffy pet, which he credits for his recognition to hang. Alex Puxley / sins
“So it would be good to go out with someone who is just normal and not encountered as a materialist,” said Puxley pumped. Alex Puxley / sins

Despite his internet status Casanova, based in Leicestershire, he fought to find love in real life, claiming that he was not even on a date.

“I am the only only one of my friendship group, so we don’t go out to meet girls more often,” Morned Lovesick Brit, who attributed his relationship problems in strange and materialistic matches.

Very -year -old Singleton suggested that there is a shallow epidemic in meeting applications, where people “are not there for anything serious”, but they are only interesting in “how much money do you earn, what car you driving, etc.” he complained.

“I think they approach for a night’s attitude or just the wrong realities generally to get for food, etc., all paid for your myelf,” Hinge Hunk said.

“I will have some matches I ask how much money I earn every year, which is a strange way to start a conversation!” He said in a startling discovery.

Puxley claims he even gets most of his matches because of Raffy, whom he calls “the true star of the show”.

Some of his matches have just been weird, Puxley said.

He remembered an example where a woman said, “I always wanted a hunt like you as a stepmother,” and discovered another who asked what he would do if she was done on a first date.

Puxley said he wants someone “normal” who wants a relationship and a family. Alex Puxley / sins

The digital receipt artist is not completely shameless in this regard, admitting that he has killed some dates with staggering lines.

These have included “Say are you a parking ticket because you’ve finally wrote ‘on you” and “they say the meeting is a game with numbers, so I can recover.”

However, Puxley has not allowed these obstacles to remove his hopes by lighting a match in a flame. He has even had 10 relationships in the past with the longest years of last year.

“I just want to talk to someone who wants a relationship and a family,” he said.

The 6 -legged Puxley described his ideal date as someone shorter than the red -haired one who loves her job.

Puxley is not the only disappointed with appointments of dating, which can result in less happy marriages.

A 2024 survey showed that nearly 80% of Americans were burned with the romantic virtual market, citing constant slides, catfish and failed opportunities.

For this reason, many young people have traded apps for meetings for more methods of meeting brick and mortar, running from the speed dating back to the “boyfriend applications”.

#man #similar #hingebut #dont #dates #sad #reason
Image Source : nypost.com

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