Apart from Las Vegas, there is no place on the planet, whose name means marriage like Hawaii. It is where your grandparents went for the Polynesian passion of the silk shirt, Pupu Platters and the “bride of the bride” slowly collided in a soprano Uke.
It is where your EU-Lei’d parents went for their white-white, white-sandy ceremony of spraying the ocean.
It is where couples are massively tieting the knot today – but with a significant difference: they are plunging the island’s clichés and adding authentic cultural touch Hawaii to their advantages.
Of course, Hawaii is not just a place. Most visit Oahu, with his affordable hotels along the original Waikiki game beach.
Wealthy Californians prefer Maui for its cute hotels and restaurants, and high -level golf and golf.
Or, when they want a happy tranquility, they go to Kauai. Minuscule Lanai, a former Pineapple Pineapple Plants 98% owned by Google Billionaire Larry Ellison, has become a polestar wellness thanks to two resorts Four Season and his hearing peace.
But in terms of authenticity, nowhere is the Aloha soul better preserved than on the Great Island, named Hava Island.
At 4,050 square miles, growing every day thanks to the active Kilauea volcano, it has a wide coastline, underwater rocks, rare development and complex stories – the Captain Cook is where the famous English explorer met with the end of Her, allegedly giving the appeal to these so -called sandwich the new literalism. It also burns with romance.
“We try to do things authentically, as much as we can,” said Melina Manchester, director of special events at Resort Four Season Halalai in Big Island, Hava. “We include culture, not in a way of kitschy. We try to be respectful. We try to do things that are more significant than just, you know, grass skirts and coconut walnut bra. “
In four seasons Halalai, it means to swear “I do” in front of a local Hawaiian official like Uncle Earl or Kahu Tom. Uncle Earl Regidor is the manager of the Ka’upulehu Cultural Center of Resort and he has been with them for 20 years. Meanwhile, Kahu Tom Fernandez has lived on the Great Island since 1988 and is Minister at the Kalahikiola Congregation Church.
“We have these really special people with whom we work with that cultural ceremony,” Manchester said. “It is usually non -communal, but Kahu Tom can make a religious ceremony too. We want to know the couple to make it personal.”
The Hava ceremony will include a Lei exchange and some changes that are specifically resolved for the couple, she added. It all starts with a “oil”, a welcome call that blesses the wedding week. Fire nights and hulficles learn if Vaguel, Bits and Bobs of Hawaii mythology and are also popular.
At the cultural center of the four seasons, weddings are gathered for lei classrooms, Ukulele lessons, Jorgan Hawaii and to learn local Lore.
But it’s not just the locals who filter this island with romance – it’s the land. Broken, sprinkled with black lava rock, it is for adventures, external external fans.
Kona is the island’s main airport, the largest and ideal city for your wedding weekend; The next five -star resort is Rosewood.
“We include culture, not in a way of kitschy. We try to be respectful. We try to do things that are more significant than just, you know, grass skirts and coconut walnut bra. “
Melina Manchester, Director of Special events in Four Season Resort Haalalai
From here, the two-hour cross-Isle driving in the Volcanoe National Park, where the angry delays and vapors are unacceptable.
The beaches are often rural and rarely protected from life (and be careful can be strong) but the life of reopening is as rich as in distant Indonesia and as pure as the Maldives. Simply avoid the collision in a turtle, a major breach of subtlety.
“That island is not as sexy as I would think,” Wedding planner Alyssa Ally warned, “because you can’t really go swimming in the water.
But, of course, you can -and it should. Just don’t be fixed with the shaking in soft surf from perfect white sand beaches. Go to the water -like waters in two steps in the Bay of Honounau, or visit the sea turtles in the Beach Kahalu’u park, known for its thick sand with salt and pepper.
“We are able to appeal to many different types of couples,” Manchester said. “We have weddings that are in the bluff overlooking the shore. We have weddings where your feet are in the sand. We have weddings on a beautiful lawn in the ocean. What experiences you want to have but everything comes with a true feeling of country. “
#Aloha #doesnt #cover #big #island #Hava
Image Source : nypost.com