Comrade over ‘qualifications’ of the flight companion for women in 1954: ‘looks like a Tinder profile’

A document showing requests for female flight attendees in 1954 has reappeared online – and social media users are terrified.

At Reddit, one user posted the outdated “qualifications” list for airline participants for both Chicago and Southern Air Lines, and many stressed that it looked like a man’s list for what he thinks makes it perfect.

A document showing requests for female flight attendees in 1954 has reappeared online. Ivan Dmitri/Michael Ochs Archives/Getty Images

Unlike today’s flight companions, the cabin crew in the 1950s did not receive much training and were more of a symbol of luxury and brilliant with the image of young women, attractive in uniform travelers.

One of the demands said that the attention, called the outdated “stewardess” term, had to be single – clearly saying that they could not engage.

The 1950s flight members had the image of young women, attractive to uniform travelers. Underwood/Getty Images Archives

Women also had to be between the ages of 22 and 28, between 5’2 ″ and 5’5 ″, and between £ 100 and 120 pounds.

Flight members could not wear glasses, needed “good teeth”, “good figures”, “thin heels” and had to have a “natural” hair color.

The list also stated that the stewardees were required to have a “good wheelchair”, “nice hands” and “clean skin”.

While distinct physical attributes, the stewards were required to have in order to be considered “qualified” for work, they also had to be “willing and worried to satisfy”, “the ability to perform a living conversation” and a “even temple.”

Commentators could not believe that there was little or no quality that was actually related to the role of a flight companion.

“This reads like a bunch of dudes sitting around a writing car with one of them by saying from time to time: ‘Oh and don’t forget __‘”Wrote one person. “It looks like a Tinder profile,” got into a second commentator.

“In short: be a candy for the eyes,” added another.

“Ah yes, the golden aviation era-when you needed a modeling contract, Olympic level patience and zero gold recordings to distribute peanuts,” someone jokes. “Security? Nah thin legs? Absolutely essential. Imagine being refused because your hair was ‘natural’ enough. Wild times. “

At Reddit, one user presented the outdated “qualifications” list for both Chicago and Southern airlines. Reddit
The women had to be between the ages of 22 and 28, between 5’2 ″ and 5’5 ″, and between £ 100 and 120. Bettmann archive

“I love how literally everything is superficial. Everything about the sights and such. And then, Oh Ya, the 4-year-old college rank required Lmao, ”another said.

“This reads as a 21st century Incel, listing what they seek in a woman nonononic,” commented one user.

#Comrade #qualifications #flight #companion #women #Tinder #profile
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