I spent $ 4k collecting dolls ‘bored’ – people think I’m weird but it’s ‘my call’

A man with a collection of good quality dolls worth $ 4,000 say people see him “bored”, but he thinks it is his “call” to take care of “misunderstanding” toys.

Chris Henrie, 26, grew up surrounded by dolls, but bought his first quality first – – Marge with Korea – at the age of 16 and was fixed.

The Creator of Contents felt the collection of “old, upset” dolls was his “call”.

Now he boasts a collection of about 250 – which he estimates are worth $ 3,000 to $ 4,000 – and has a dedicated room to display them.

New Jersey Chris Henrie man collects vintage dolls. Chris Henrie / sins

Chris, from Paramus, New Jersey, said: “I have a large collection of dolls.

“To me I felt like a call.

“When I was going to tell someone I was in the dolls – they would think he was upset and they were scared of the dolls.

“In my mind they were misunderstood and I grew up misunderstood.

“I felt it was my call to take care of these dolls.”

Henrie Essimates that he spent about $ 4,000 in his collection. Chris Henrie / sins
Henrie has about 250 dolls in his collection. Chris Henrie / sins

Chris grew up beloved dolls – playing and collecting Disney dolls and American girls dolls with his sister.

At the age of 16 he noticed a doll in an ancient store in Massachusetts and felt attracted to it.

He said: “I saw this old, bored, cracked and fell in love with the way and the happiness it brought to me.

“I felt like I was looking at something historic.”

Henrie with a Christmas doll when he was a little boy. Chris Henrie / sins
Henrie says the doll gathering is his “call” in life. Chris Henrie / sins

Before he knew Chris had massaged a collection and now raised it to about 250 – finding them in wonderful stores and occasionally online on Ebay and Etsy.

He said: “I usually buy them personally so I can feel the energy with them.

“I like them to be a match with my collection.”

Chris mainly collects dolls composed from the early 1900s to the 1950s – which costs somewhere from $ 50 to $ 100.

Henrie finds most of his dolls in wonderful stores or online stores like Etsy. Chris Henrie / sins
Henrie with a clown doll. Chris Henrie / sins

He said: “I just love the way they look.

“I have a whole glass cabinet full of them.”

He also likes Raggedy Ann and Dolls – and has one that is 4 meters and another which is only 0.4 inch – and has some clown dolls.

Chris likes to travel – and it has been in 20 places – and tries to collect a Dol for every place he visits.

Raggedy Ann dolls to Henrie. Chris Henrie / sins

He has dolls from Ghana, South Africa, India and France.

Chris does not collect for the purpose of selling puppets, but appreciates their value.

He said, “I estimated that the collection is worth $ 3,000 or $ 4,000.”

Henrie collects new dolls from every new country he visits. Chris Henrie / sins

Chris has his collection at the show in three cabinets in his office – but they say they are also full of home and in the closet.

His partner, Robbie, 30, who works in food production, loves Chris’s passion and has his own – collecting indoor plants.

Chris said: “I often get comments like ‘Omg I could never go to your home – œ that’s so scary.”

“I think it’s a way to appreciate the story and express yourself.

“I think they are so special and invaluable.

“If you have any coloring to attract or collect dolls that people see strange or traditional, do it – there is a community there.”

#spent #collecting #dolls #bored #people #weird #call
Image Source : nypost.com

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