‘Maga Makeup’ tutorials mock the conservatives for the orange foundation

Can they remove this?

In a new satirical trend tiktok that includes the app, content creators are mocking the composition of women -backed women, which they say is determined by Caky, Orange Foundation, Very thick eyebrows and clumsy eyebrow paint.

“I noticed that all the Republican girls in my comments make their composition in the same way the same, wonderful, so I thought I would try to do it myself,” said Tikkker and comedian Suzanne Lambert in a viral video.

Lambert jokingly made fun of “conservative composition” in tiktok, sharing a tutorial. Tiktok/@issuzannannelambert
Another satirical clip reached more than 1.4 million likes. Tiktok/@cherrycokefanclub69

To achieve the “composition of conservative girls”, she made sure to apply the foundations with her fingers to create a strict finish and did not prepare the skin before because she wanted the product to “climb any DRY and DRY stain emphasize any structure. ”

“We’re going to mat and flat,” she said about the basic composition, which lacked the dimension that would usually be created with contour or bronzer.

“You’re draining it, it’s giving it to dust,” she said.

While professional cosmetics artists told HuffPost that the “illegal” composition knows no race, ethnicity or political camp “, conservative cartoon, also called” Maga composition “, has gone viral.

“Turning himself into a republican in honor of [President Donald] Trump Saving Tiktok, ”wrote a tikkker named Paris.

In the clip, it overthrows an invalid shade of foundation across its face before applying an indecent smoked eye, harsh and bold browsing, messy eyebrow paint and underlined lipstick to create the illusion of lips thin.

Another creator named Severn also recreated the appearance, bowing to the orange foundation as well as blurred redness and bronzer.

“Many Republican women of women updated their composition trends since the 80s,” Newsweek told a creator who goes from @hobbitparty. “Heavy Eyeliner, thin eyebrows, very dark foundation.”

While some viewers were able to laugh at jokes, the tendency also met with rapid reactions from conservative women, who insulted the weight and appearance of the creators.

“Why everyone has the same appearance as the chimney and browsing and the browsing and soulless eyes,” one person told slow voters in Lambert’s video comments.

“So good! My only reaction is that the eyebrows should be more of a comma shape, and start farther. Otherwise, perfect! “Cheers another.

“The foundation is not quite orange, but except that tbh quite accurate,” someone else commented.

“Lmfao not the thin lips of the paper,” noted a viewer in the Paris video.

“Nailed it !!” Sampled another.

But not everyone found humor in it.

“Left women are women’s tools there,” grabbed a user in Tiktok.

“Wait so you tease women about their appearance because they are not in the same political party as you?” Chidded another.

Satirical lessons, like Severn’s, sparked harsh reactions from conservative women. Tiktok/@severn.g

“Not as bad as the liberal composition with blue hair,” wrote one person.

“We can always say to liberal women because they do not do training and look like you,” wrote a user under a video posted by @beautyandkoko, who recreated “Republican composition”.

“Ahh good ole ‘left tolerant. Attacking people is based on,” someone else wrote. “All this proves is that you can really put makeup on AP! G. “

In response to a user who claims that the left voters are the harassers, the creator replied: “Killin Em was kindly no longer working, so new approach: Treat exactly how you treat others.”

“Liberal women-after conservatives have made their own pleasure and call them” blue hair liberals “for years-finally they are talking about themselves,” Lambert, who calls Helf a “Regina George Liberal , ”he said in Newsweek.

“It is not surprising that it makes some conservative women worry, but I am encouraged by the number of people with different political views who have shown that they can make a joke. Humor has always been part of political commentary. “

She went on: “There are others who are angry about it, but the people who criticize the video are usually the ones who would benefit the most from the advice.”

#Maga #Makeup #tutorials #mock #conservatives #orange #foundation
Image Source : nypost.com

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