Flier assigned a very difficult place on the plane that could have ‘knees

An air passenger was assigned a less than ideal place on a recent flight, making it share the internet experience.

In the “R/Delta” forum, the passenger posted, “my place put me in half the row,” along with a photo.

In the photo, the traveler shows half of his seat located outside the cabin row.

Fox News Digital reached the user for comment.

The post attracted more than 800 comments with users sharing similar experiences.

“The worst part is for you to see what the first class people are facilitating in real dishes and real uttensiles,“ jokes a user.

“Rip left Knee,” wrote another person.

“I was in that place this week past and managed to avoid making my knee or shoulder or head hit until, I don’t baby, the person who managed to swing her big shoulder bag in me while she returned to ask the flight doctor a question, “said a leaflet.

“Lord, I hate those places. It is so difficult to pass through your rolling carriage and not come into contact with the poor person/knee/elbow, ”wrote another person.

“But you will be one step forward by everyone else when the captain turn off the seat belt mark,” joked a user.

The traveler indicates that half of his seat is inside the cabin row. Pension_savings/Reddit

The user responds, saying, “True. I actually stood up several times during the flight to stretch and can essentially remain in my seat area that was beautiful.”

“You have to stay on the flight doctor also when he or she sits in their jump,” commented one user.

Zach Griff, senior aviation writer for New York -based travel blog The Point Guys, spoke to Fox News Digital about unusual places.

“My recommendation for travelers stuck in these types of places is to bring a mask for the eyes and maybe even some reading materials or other entertainment opportunities to keep them confused by what is definitely a difficult experience,” said griff.

In September, a woman went viral to Tiktok after showing how her plane’s place was in the opposite direction on the plane, facing the entire cabin and her friends, reported the Fox News Digital.

The video, which showed that the woman looked uncomfortable as she looked at the crowd, reached 15 million views.

“When you reserve row 1 as a treatment, it turns into you in front of the entire plane,” she wrote in the overlap of the text in her video, with the text she used to say, “Never recover.”

#Flier #assigned #difficult #place #plane #knees
Image Source : nypost.com

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