Does Valentine’s Day make or disrupt a relationship? The survey reveals the lit debate

One in six couples say this Valentine’s Day may be “stuck or break for them this year, according to a new study.

A study that examines how America gets Valentine’s Day in her heart found 17% of those who were in a serious or felt marriage this year was especially important for their relationships.

This grows to one in five (19%) for those who are not unmarried but in a serious relationship they consider briefly. 14 â € œshry or break this year, but falls to 17% of the already married couples.

The survey of 2,000 Americans, conducted by Talker Research, without a 30% of married responses say that while not doing or breaking down, they see Valentine’s Day this year as an incentive needed for their relationships.

One in six couples say this Valentine’s Day may be “stuck or break for them this year, according to a new study. Look at the studio –

Men were more likely to feel their relationships need a valentine’s day’s boost than women (35% men, 26% women).

But while many Americans feel this short. 14 can be meant for them, most still feel for the day – 64% of respondents feel that Valentine’s Day is overrated.

So does this mean that they will be open their walls? Fifty -eight percent of those in the relationship said they would keep their expenses similar to the amount they passed last year.

Men were more likely to feel their relationships need a valentine’s day’s boost than women, the survey said. Donna Grace/NY Post Design

About one -fifth (19%) are planning to spend less than those last year, with only 12% of those in relationships they say they will spend more than in 2024.

When it comes to spraying cash in Valentine, is there a lot of right to talk about a memorable time?

Average American survey estimates You need to speak $ 133 per person in total for a good Valentine’s Day in general when factoring food, gifts and/or activities.

Average American survey estimates You need to speak $ 133 per person in total for a good Valentine’s Day in general when factoring food, gifts and/or activities. Donna Grace/NY Post Design

Four in ten of the respondents said a good Valentine’s Day could have for under $ 100 in the head and one fifth (22%) said under $ 50.

And should love really cost one thing? Twenty -eight percent of the Americans Poldo said Valentine’s Good Day should not cost anything.

Interestingly, women were much more likely to feel Valentine’s Day should not cost anything than men were (34% women vs 21% men).

Four in ten of the respondents said a good Valentine’s Day could have for under $ 100 head while 22% of answers said under $ 50.

And in a year of expenditure trends, Valentine’s Day is no different. One -third of polished couples (32% married or in a serious relationship) are not deliberately spending this short. 14 to save money.

Survey Methodology:

Talker’s research surveyed 2,000 general American populations with 1,000 men and 1,000 women; The survey was administered and conducted online by Talker Research on Friday, Jan. 31 and Monday, February. 3, 2025.

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