Egg feeding can help you crack new potential, but can you stomach 30 a day?
Joseph Everett, the creator of the popular channel “what have I learned” on youtube, devoured 900 a month to prove the bodybuilding legend Vince gironda bold bold claim that eating 36 eggs a day is just as effective to make a part as a steroid of shot.
“A video on youtube before they dive inside.
Eggs are considered one of the most nutritious foods, filled with protein, healthy fats and essential nutrients such as choline, iron and vitamins A, B12 and D – all while being low in calories.
Everett ate 30 eggs a day for a month, including egg omelets and raw yellow smoothies. He also complemented his diet with rice, beef, yogurt, fruit, honey and occasionally a protein bar.
In addition to the meal plan, Everett followed a weight lifting routine and documented its progress in a video that has then collected more than 783,000 views.
While Everett did not consider himself a honest lifter, “he said he regularly lifted weights for fitness before receiving the challenge. He recorded his starting strength with exercises such as Barbell’s elevators, deadlift, squats and bench pressure.
He also received the initial measurements of his weight and underwent blood tests to pursue key markers such as testosterone and cholesterol levels.
By the end of the month, Everett had gained 13 pounds of muscle mass. His blood tests showed a significant decrease in triglycerides, a harmful fat associated with stroke and heart attacks. In front of fitness, he was able to set up 44 pounds more than when he started.
Everett said that, in general, he found the challenge relatively easy. But it was not without its hiccups. On night five, he admitted, “I had so much gas I couldn’t sleep.â €
“My girlfriend asked me to sleep on the sofa because the apartment was keeping it awake,” he joked.
One thing that Everett held a narrow eye was its cholesterol, giving the eggs high in the substance, which can be harmful to your heart. The American Heart Association recommends that healthy adults eat up to one egg a day, while healthy older people can eat up to two days as part of a balanced die.
Isingudare, after a month of consuming 30 eggs daily, Everett’s blood tests showed minimal changes in his œbad cholesterol, “while his cholesterol levels actually increased.
Everett also focused on the amount of saturated fat it was receiving. He hypothesized that fats and cholesterol from eggs could be transformed into testosterone, which, when combined with strength training, can increase muscle growth.
Around the ninth day, he began to notice changes in his behavior, which he speculated could be the second in a possible increase in testosterone.
“I felt more concentrated, I had thousands of energy inside and outside the gym. My desire was higher, and I was a little more driven and unlimited,” he told the viewers. But, surprisingly, his latest blood work showed no change in testosterone levels.
On the 14th day, Everett tired of cooking and drowning egg whites, so he passed to drink all 30 raw eggs daily.
“The food sat in my stomach better, I felt lighter, less swollen and my toilet performance was great,” he wrote in a posting of substances.
Cathleen –
But day 20, things took a turn.
â € œ I found myelf stuck in the bathroom for more than an hour, really constipation and cramp, â € he remembered in the video. â € œaming up made the cramps even worse, but I had to get up because I also had to Puke.â €
With 10 remaining eggs and 300 more to go, Everett had to understand what his digestive issues were causing. He tracked them back to high levels of raw egg triplers, which can cause stomach problems.
After he began to cook egg whites again, his stomach problems calmed down.
While Everett is not sure if the only egg method is as effective as the steroids for bulking, he said he can try again-he thought next time, he would change egg whites for red meat.
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