Will you wear these ‘chip pants’ with luggage to hold tortilla?

These are average nacho pants.

The restaurant chain CODA has entered the New York Fashion Week conversation, bringing the “Chip Core” aesthetics.

The company is mixing food and style with a sudden edible accessory: “Chip pants”.

Everyone is bringing the “essential chip” aesthetics to the fashion scene. Every

Personalized dresses are designed with construction partitions to keep potato chips of the signature of CDOBA, giving easy fashionistas-if it is difficult to lose to the snack.

While pants can hit the runway, they unfortunately won to be available for purchases at any time soon, the company said – but fans can control the model on CEOBA’s social media channels.

“In each, we are always looking for unexpected ways to connect to consumers and display our products in a fresh, entertaining and flavoring way,” said Kelsey Kraatz, the senior manager of the national media company, in a state.

Every food and style are mixed with “chip pants”. Every

“With chip pants, we are combining two points of passion of the younger generation – food and fashion – allowing us to engage with this main audience in a fun and memorable way.”

Chip pants considers the brand initiative to further engage General Z and millennium consumers by entering the intersection of food and fashion and indicating that everybody is more than just a place to eat – stating that it is a lifestyle.

Custom pants are designed with construction partitions to keep CDOBA signature tortilla chips. Every

A recent study highlighted by the company found that General Z was the “most conscious generation” compared to millennia.

The research pointed out “General Z’s strong bond with fashion, with a higher percentage identified as aware of trend compared to millennia”.

He discovered that the zomers are more likely than Millennials (49.1% VS 42.3%) to say that they are “more fashionable than most people” and that they continue with current trends (45.4% VS 40.8%).

“With chip pants, we are combining two points of passion of the younger generation – food and fashion.” Every
People in Instagram posting comments showing chip pants were ecstatic about the model. Every

People in Instagram posting comments showing new chip pants were ecstatic about the model.

“Okay, but how can I get a pair and is there a shirt that matches a question?” Someone asked.

“These would be perfect for movies,” a person noted.

“Adding this to my Vision Board for this year and throughout the years,” said another.

“Now this is fashion,” wrote one user.

#wear #chip #pants #luggage #hold #tortilla
Image Source : nypost.com

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