The passenger insists that first -class travelers get money to give up the place of the row: ‘Strange experience’

Sometimes it pays to be polyte.

A first -class passenger was amazed after an elderly lady offered him $ 100 to exchange places with her due to a psychological state.

“She continued to insist that she had to do something nice to me,” Facjka said as she confessed to the “strange experience” on a reddit after getting up online.

Redditor was reported to have received a Delta flight from Boston to Atlanta on February 6, when he noticed an “elderly lady was finding it difficult to get her bag at the top”, so Samarita Sky decided to help her.

“I tried to refuse again, but she told me to take it and give it to my children, but to explain to them when Markus Minka –

When the passenger sat in the first grade, he noticed that he was close to her with the elderly citizen at 1d and the one in 1C – the seat of the row.

This is when the age flight sailed the unusual proposal. “She immediately said she would pay me $ 100 to exchange places because she feels claustrophobic in the window places in this special seat configuration,” they recalled.

Flabbergasted from the proposal, the passenger did not accept the dough, but said he would “pass with free pleasure” as long as she would not be bothered by him taking occasion.

However, the woman insisted that she had to do something polite for her, but he said “really didn’t care about and just told her to pay her to someone else.”

A hundred dollar bill.
The man eventually accepted the money. AVD –

The elderly lady eventually regenerated and the pair reported to spend the rest of the flight talking about their families, careers and other topics from the post.

Then, upon arriving at their destination, the grateful ladies again attention to devote her savior to a Benjamin, finally encouraging her to capitulate.

“I tried to refuse again, but she told me to take it and give it to my children, but to explain to them when” I finally opposed and got her money but wouldn’t sure I wouldn’t I tell my children that because they will wait for me to pay them at any time for them to do something nice. “

The Reddiors appreciated the original poster for accepting the grandmother’s appraisal sign.

“Accept the gift – means more to [the] Give how much the recipient, “one said, while another wrote,” Yes, at one point saying that no is actually the rude thing to do. “

A third one withdrew, “Sometimes I feel this way – I would better offset someone just to feel” properly “. I don’t think you have no mistake by getting the money. She could have felt guilty if You didn’t do it. “

The original poster observed that his experience varied from most “switching” stories coming out of the friendly sky.

In another case of a proposal by the past, a Brazilian flyer was publicly ashamed by a mother for refusing to change places with her crying baby.

In general, flight experts agree that the decision ultimately belongs to the passenger to be questioned.

“No one has the obligation to change their country nor to explain why they will not pass,” the California author and labeling expert Rosalinda Randall stated. “And the person who makes the request has no right to wait, or get angry when they do not take their way.”

#passenger #insists #class #travelers #money #give #place #row #Strange #experience
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