Exclusive | The number of teens abusing the Skyrockets Fentanyl – and teenage girls overcome male peers

Teenage girls are abusing drugs than more than their male peers, according to a new alarming study.

Eighteen percent more girls are abusing the drug than boys, while adolescent drug use generally has constant rice and the use of opioids, including fentanyl, has grown greatly, data showed.

Marijuana remains overwhelming favorite for girls and boys, with about 2.9 million people under 18 in 2023, according to the most recent date of the abuse of substances and the administration of mental health services, a branch of the US Health and Human Services.

Marijuana, opioids and stimulants are the most used illegal medicines among adolescents in America, according to a new study. Photography.eu – Stock.adobe.com

Opioid abuse, including relaxants of heroin pain and recipes such as rowdin and oxycontin, increased 41% from 2022 to 2023. After weeds, opioids listed the second most misused medicine for adolescents with 574,000 using them in 2023, out of 406,000 The Yar ago.

While the use of marijuana between those aged 12 to 17 was almost the same one year ago, all other forms of illegal drug use among adolescents were thrown, with the total number of new users reaching 3.8 million, with 100,000 from 2022.

Deadly opioid fentanil – which is up to 100 times stronger than morphine. About 50,000 teenagers reporting his abuse in 2023, a 47% point a year earlier, and the figures are likely because many could have received it without understanding.

While the use of marijuana between those ages 12 to 17 saw only a slight decrease, all other forms of illegal drug use among adolescents increased. Jack Forbes / NY Post Design
Cocaine and Meta increased in popularity among adolescents between 2022-2023. Ej White – Stock.adobe.com

Stimulants are the third most used medicines among young people. About 285,000 teenagers reporting by receiving recipe stimulants such as Adderall and Ritalin while the use of cocaine and Meth fired up to 63,000 and 40,000 adolescent users, respectively, with nearly 58% and 112% a year earlier.

Inhalants, which include glue, aerosol spraying, cleaning liquids, paint thinners, felt -type markers and gases like nitrogen oxide, or “laughing gas”, listed in fourth place among teens with 564,000 children reporting I used them.

In the fifth were hallucinogens with 387,000 users – with 8% a year ago.

Young women absorb “laughter gas” balloons in Bristol, England in 2007. Universal images Group your images getty

While the use of some drugs was similar to girls and boys, more than 2 million girls used illegal drugs in 2023 compared to a little more than 1.7 million boys, Wellbrook Recovery, a drug and rehabilitation object in Wisconsin, of Found from analyzing data at Samhsa Survey national

And their preferences also changed.

Psilocybin hallucinogenic fungi that grow in a natural environment. Sergei – Stock.adobe.com

After bad drugs, the girls reported to make more opioids – mostly relaxing pain paintings – and inhalants than boys. The boys chose more stimulants, also mainly prescription and hallucinogenic medications.

“Considering the current opioid crisis in America, the high number of new users is particularly alarming, especially given the powerful dependent property and the risks of high overdose associated with these substances,” said Wellbrook Meir Kasnett CEO .

The inhalants are easy and free to take, noted Kasnet, but can also pose serious threats such as brain damage and sudden death.

Eighteen percent more teenage girls reporting drug misuse than boys in 2023, according to a national study. Tinnakorn – Stock.adobe.com

Shocking statistics highlight a need for early intervention and education, he added. “Even more important, it is essential to understand and address the basic factors that contribute to this use.”

More than 67,000 interviews were made for the 2023 Samhsa study.

Samhsa determines “misuse” as in drug use which is in no way directed by a physician or drug use in larger quantities, more often or longer than directed.

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Image Source : nypost.com

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