Aircraft accused ‘seat seat’ feels adapted ‘,’ hits again to critics: ‘I was just following the instructions’

The traveler of seats or confused traveler? You firmly.

An ardent passenger shared how they were accused of being a “seat of seats” in an unpleasant situation.

An ardent passenger shared how they were accused of being a “seat of seats” in an unpleasant situation.

LightPoet –

Reddit user @pinkney59 explained the confusion in a thread of Delta Airlines, Fox News reported.

The person said they were first on the willingness list to give them a place and were instructed to return to line 29 to enjoy the flight.

However, when the passenger arrived there, a person with a ticket for that place was already set.

A flight doctor withdrew to correct the situation and re -determined the Reddit poster a place in Comfort Plus.

But just minutes later, a father continued with his daughter and claimed that the person was in their designated place.

“I explained beautifully, they just gave me this place from the Armed Forces (flight attendant),” the well -known person, then suggested, “Maybe there is a mixture.” Caste –

“I explained beautifully, they just gave me this place from the Armed Forces (flight attendant),” the person recognized, suggesting, “Maybe there is a mixture.”

But when another flight companion came, they “scolded loudly” flying.

“Who told you you can sit there?!

The confused passenger described the flight doctor who had instructed them to sit at the Plus comfort site, but was amazed by being “publicly printed in front of the plant plant of the plant plant plant of plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant plant I followed the directions, ”they confessed.

“I was not trying to deceive a place of comfort – this is literally where she told me to sit,” the traveler insisted.

Fortunately, another passenger who witnessed the whole debut went to say, “I saw that this happens all and heard her say to sit here, so don’t worry”, which they give the person “a relief”.

“After a whole habit, I headed for the third time, and frankly felt a whispered type to fit like some seats when I was just following the instructions!” Said user Reddit.

People flooded comments with similarly disappointing stories and complaints about seemingly aerial lines.

Some people replied that something “similar” happened to them.

The confused passenger described the flight doctor who had instructed them to sit at the Plus comfort site, but was amazed by “publicly rebuked in front of the plant when I was just following the instructions”.

Andrey Popov –

Although Redditor @Pinkney59 do not deliberately steal someone else’s place, others of passing are doing it on purpose – trying to get more than just a free update.

The seat seat trend is being removed in recent months with much, avoiding controversial attack on improving a plane country.

A person who claimed to be a flight doctor shared an example in which “people sat down, took their stool of light before and then said,” I will simply go to tell my sister in the back of the plane, “and left with the free drink not to be returned,” the Reddi user wrote.

“Some people are not ashamed. They drew a quick and probably after[ed] Even on social media, ”replies another Reddit user. “Dignity and respect for others is out. The cuffs and hacks are inside.”

Air travel labels have become one of the most debated online topics in recent years as Reddit’s topics have filled with “row lice” complaints and unfair passenger videos go viral.

#Aircraft #accused #seat #seat #feels #adapted #hits #critics #instructions
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