Meet the woman keeping the adorable cubs happy in this year’s ‘puppy Bowl’

If you allocate to the bowl œPUPPY BWLâ on Sunday, you will like a place of work impact – even if you give you ae actually.

Victoria Schade is a dog trainer and novelist who is the leading puppy’s and Wrangler coach. It is what makes sure that the shelter cubs have a conflict-fault competition and that they will be caught in their most adorable-all from the camera off-camera.

Schhen Schade that takes the cubs to look for the “Banner with stars on” or run through a tunnel to reach the field for start lines. It is on the observation of potential conflicts or nerves dogs.

Schade’s responsibilities include taking the cubs to search during the “star-lit banner” and pass through a tunnel to reach the field for starting formations. Apea

“My responsibilities include providing puppy’s happiness and security during the game,” she says. â € œTo if there is a moment when a puppy looks like they are overloaded or they just need rest, I will go out and give them a little rest on the other side. € € lace €

Schade has worked with doggies on the appearance of animal animals for 19 years and is believed to be the longest member of the crew service â € œPuppy bowlâ. It also works in the show of Halftime kittens and calls by filming both favors of the year of the year.

“I think she is one of the most dedicated, hard -working people working there in business,” says Judge Dan Schachner, now in his 14th year. “It will not seem to not end the energy. She never says no to a demand and always has the brightness and sun from it with every step.

Schade has trained hundreds of dogs over the years, but has never adopted one of the show – so far. She got home Boris – known on shows like Mr. Pickles – by Dallas Dog Rescue. “I saw the quality of the star. So that was the year,” she says.

Treats and funny noise

At first, Schade was responsible for recruiting and choosing cubs, a task now based on animal and shelter rescue groups across the country. These days, it is the main coach.

Photo from animal planet/Warner Bros. The discovery shows animal expert Victoria Schade interacting with dogs in group of "Puppy Bowl XXI," Sunday transmission.
Schade, a dog trainer and novelist, has worked with the appearance of animal animal for 19 years and a long member of the “Puppy Bowl” team service. Apea

“If you will see the puppy looking up on the camera, I’m usually right there with the treatment,” she says. â € œitâ € ™ many functions and funny noises. And it does it.â €

This year, Schade is leaving the edges and joining Schachner on the camera for a pre-game starting show, which feels a combination of dogs and a draft. Highlights of other shows include segments with Dan Smyers, from the duo of the superstar Dan + Shay, and Kansas City Protective chiefs Derrick Nnadi.

Schade has developed some very special skills appreciated by animals over the years, including prediction when one of the players should ease themselves.

â â € œ one of my skills â â € € € € € € ˜Pupy bowlâ € ™ the skills is reading butts. SO I KNOW WEND A PUNPY IS GOING TO THE BATHRO AND Iâ € ™ ll typically Say like, â â € ˜watch out in the 20-yard, weâ € ™ re going to have a depositâ € ™ and everyoneâ ™ S ready to go with that cleaning.â €

 € œPuppy Bowlâ made his debut as a counter-program against the Super Bowl in 2005. Dogs score in a gridiron carpet when they cross the goal line-each goal line-with a toy in their mouths.

The show is really just an excuse to spend time seeing adorable, clumsy puppies play with chewing toys, shaking their tails with anger, and lick the camera. One deeper reason is to encourage the adoption of animals.

According to ASPCA, nearly 390,000 shelter dogs are Euthanized annually and 2 million shelters are adopted.

Most cubs are usually approved by the broadcast, as the show was filmed in the fall. But the point is to show that animals like those in the show can be found in any shelter at any time.

This year this year’s three-hour television event will show 142 rescue cubs from 80 shelters in 40 countries and one from Nicaragua, a Shepherd Chihuahua-German. There will be 11 dogs with special needs.

“That’s the biggest amount we’ll ever have,” Say Schachner. â € œlook out for Jolene, which is a pitbull mix that is in a wheelchair. Look for a three -legged boston terrier from New York City. And my personal favorite, is sprinkle, which is a blind and dull aussie. So it was just extraordinary to see them play.â €

The inauguration â € œPUPPY BOWLâ was viewed by nearly 6 million viewers. Last year, 12.6 million viewers tuned. In comparison, this year’s Golden Globes withdrew 9.3 million.

Practical tips for growing cubs

Schade, whose first book was connecting with your dog -and then led to writing novels oriented novels, such as “Life in Life in Leashâ and” friendly, close friends.

It advises dog owners to learn to read their pet’s body language, try to understand what they will try. Like the shaking of the tail-how narrow? And where does the tail position?

Schade is a great lawyer for positive reinforcement and science -based training, not the so -called Alpha Dog approach, which uses intimidation or strength.

“You have no need to be alpha, which is debut anyway. You are your dog. You will be their friend. You are no. 1. And this relationship based on compassion and understanding.â €

This means to be charged into the treatment. She advocates keeping them in the pocket and constantly using them as rewards for good behavior, especially when small training.

“I can’t stress it enough: When you think you are handling enough, treat more because longer

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