There’s something deeply disturbing about the latest clip from ‘momfluencer’ Sammie Head; My eyes needed a shower after watching it.
Head films her child crawling to her husband – the girl’s father.
He turns and leaves his daughter, and the rejected child bursts into heart-wrenching tears.
As if that wasn’t bad enough, it was posted as ‘humor’ and the caption reads: “My husband won’t keep our daughter because she’s a girl.”
“Because she’s a girl”
Head, who has almost 800,000 followers on the platform, is known for her ‘dry sense of humor’ and funny takes on the realities of motherhood and marriage.
Being a non-professional comedian myself, I basically respect her hustle.
But even I couldn’t make people laugh at the rejection of a crying baby by its father.
Because, can a real trauma experienced by millions of girls around the world ever elicit LOLs?
No one was laughing
The post has racked up more than three million views, but just because it’s gone viral doesn’t mean it’s a success.
I scrolled through the comments and found only a handful of positive words. It’s not because people didn’t ‘get the joke’. They just didn’t think it was funny.
Instead, most of the thousands of comments describe absolute horror:
“What kind of parents make a video like this just for social media influence? Detestable by both.”
“First TikTok to make me cry this year.”
“Even if it’s a skit, no child deserves that treatment.”
“Oh man, I know it’s a scene, but that was heartbreaking for that little kid.”
In fact, it was so unbelievable that Head and her husband could film and post the incident as an attempt at humor, some believed it to be true.
“Why do you allow this to happen? You must go and protect this girl. Absolutely not right. This is a heartless jerk,’ one said of the baby’s father.
This viewer agreed: “This is heartbreaking. I would definitely leave and not raise my daughter in a home where her father was treating her that way.”
And he was forced to add: “Imagine having a child just to make money from neglect. This poor child will remember how it feels forever. Bad parents for this poor child.”
“My parents didn’t take care of me because I’m a girl”
Neglected children, those in difficult family dynamics, children of addicts (including workaholics)—any child, really—can experience parental rejection every day. We all know this happens; we see it at the school gate, in the families around us, hear about the devastating consequences on the news and/or have experienced it ourselves.
So it’s no surprise that some viewers spoke from experience when they told Head he was wrong to joke about it – especially when it came to girls.
“My parents didn’t care about me because I was a girl. When my parents reached their 80s, no boys appeared. I had to take care of them like cooking, changing diapers, feeding them, etc. Nobody paid me to do this,” says a broken soul.
Then there was this sad anecdote: “I know someone who didn’t speak to their partner for a week after they found out they had a daughter. He’s no longer in their life.”
Sammie Head’s TikTok is the epitome of privilege
In many societies around the world, culture traditionally values male children over female children. By ‘traditionally’ I mean it is rooted.
Story Time: Have you ever heard of China’s one-child policy?
As an effort to control population, for decades China limited families from having one child. But such was the inherent cultural desire to have a male offspring, if a girl was born, she was often abandoned so that the parents could continue to try for a boy.
In fact, “Over 30 years of China’s one-child policy, an estimated 20 million baby girls ‘disappeared’ due to selective abortion or infanticide.”
And I have a story closer to home: I know a woman whose Indian father was so determined to have a son that after five daughters with his wife, he began having affairs with women in order to conceive a son.
And that was in Sydney.
In this context, Sammie Head’s video, and especially the overlay of her lyrics, is the epitome of privilege.
In 2025 she cannot pretend to be ignorant of the plight of girls everywhere; she knows, she doesn’t care, and she’s using her kid to make a joke about it.
She is another monster/creator hiding in plain sight; the only consolation is that she will be out soon.
TikTok, do your thing.
#husband #refuses #baby #girl
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