I’m retired Secret Service – take these simple safety precautions when going out in public

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Many people are unaware of their surroundings when they go out in public, according to a retired Secret Service agent — who has offered a primer for ordinary citizens on how to take the same precautions as the President.

Scott Bryson, who shares his expertise through an active TikTok account, urged followers to always be “mindful” when going out.

While “it’s not rocket science,” Bryson said, the number one tip is to get off your phone.

When you’re going to a store or parking your car, put it aside, he urged.

“Just stay off your phone. Same thing going in, going out — stay off your phone,” he said.

His next piece of advice was when people are in a parking lot – and he pointed out that this is something women should be especially careful about.

“Ladies, especially you, listen,” he began. When you walk up to your car that’s parked too far, “if you get out and there’s a car parked next to you, and I mean too close to the line or something, that should be a red flag.”

“Is there anyone in the car? Is it a minibus? Are there sliding doors? Is it an SUV?” he urged people to take note. “I’m not saying you can’t get in your car, just brake, okay?”

Brysom said to just drive slowly and be aware of your surroundings instead of “just haphazardly getting into the car.”

“It could be good, it could be something, I don’t know,” he added.

Scott Bryson, who allegedly worked for the United States Secret Service for many years, took to TikTok to share his advice. TikTok

He also suggested leaning into your car when getting gas — and again, staying off your phone.

“Now you’ve reduced the 360 ​​to 180, you can see,” he explained. “If someone approaches you and is no good, spray them with gas.”

He said, “It’s not good, I wouldn’t want to be gassed. They’ll probably run away.”

Finally, he advised not to sit with your back to the door when in a restaurant or other public space so you can see the door and know where the exits are. If you’re in a movie theater or church or some other public space with rows facing one way, sit at the end of the aisle.

“If you’re a fighter, you can get up and go fight. If you’re not willing to fight, that’s fine too—you can run. But you have to be able to get out,” he said.

People in the comments agreed that “situational awareness” is important, and some even offered their own advice.

“Walk with a purpose” was always (still is) what my mom told me,” one shared.

“Give yourself a way out when driving. Don’t stop too close when you stop at a traffic light. Always be able to see the tires of the car in front of you. It gives you a way out most of the time,” suggested another.

“Do not enter shops with windows covered with advertisements. People should be able to see from the parking lot what’s going on inside,” someone added.

“I always park where the cart turns so no one can park next to me on the driver’s side,” commented one.

“When I get gas, I open the driver’s door, leave it open, then close the doors so no one gets into the passenger side. I stand between the front door and the gas hose. I’ve got my keys in my pocket,” one user called out.

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Image Source : nypost.com

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